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Admin Needed! UK241, Reputable, Top100 Server v.Pop

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Hi All,

We are looking for a GMT Daytime server admin for the hours of 9-5 ish. The server is popular (average player count of 25+) and is normally full most of the western day, as such we attract our fair share of prats/hackers. The server is admin'd by 3 people on its evening peak and as a whole our admins are respectable, responsible and knowlegdeable and we are happy to lend our services to other servers in return for admins on a day time.

Well if anyone is interested you can contact us here on our forum @ http://dayzserve.tk



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Somebody offered their services a while ago, with a bit of luck he will see this post.

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Somebody offered their services a while ago, with a bit of luck he will see this post.

Thanks mate, just hope he surfaces now!


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maybe i can help you. I play on your server for some weeks now and server looks pretty cool.

I wanna help that it remains so. I allready registrated on your forum, you find me under the nickname Helmi.

greetz Helmi....

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