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- 24/7 Daytime, until further notice

- BE enabled

- Constant monitoring

Cheers for having a look. If you have any questions, leave them below.

EDIT: If you're viewing this thread, the server has changed it's values. We now follow suit with most of the other popular private hives; More vehicles and a custom load out. It seems this is what people genuinely want. With our first cap of 50/50 after 6 days of being launched.

EDIT 2: To save on further confusion, I've removed the description. It's impossible to get through to some people.

Edited by Delquae

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What do you mean "untouched DayZ Chernaraus server"? If you mean vanilla, there are a lot of those. Just saying.

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What do you mean "untouched DayZ Chernaraus server"? If you mean vanilla, there are a lot of those. Just saying.

I'm sure, but I pulled up a recent post in regards to somebody sick of fully custom servers. Perhaps I need to re-phrase the sentence.

Edit: Said post.

Edited by Delquae

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Welcome to the fray!

I mean at the point of running a 90pct vanilla server why not just be public hive? There are less and less of those around and will more than likely increase your chances of high pop...

Also IMO setting up a server for your squad to PvP others is kind of asshatty... I mean you guys own the server and have control over what spawns where or whether people can even get into the server. You can basically build up an endless supply of restocking bases and just lose lots and reup... kinda weak...

Most of the servers I've seen that have a big squad running them that do nothing but PvP all the people coming on get VERY empty VERY fast.

FYI you have not set up statistics on Gametracker.com or claimed the server.

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Cheers for the pointer. Although most of the guys playing currently haven't got a clue what is where. Placements have been and will be maintained by myself (not shared publicly). I've been busy setting it up, but the intention isn't to play in a squad without it being fair. Hell, the point of paying for a server and then pretending by using the database and other utilities is absolutely pointless. Even though it's impossible to believe with a very typical cynical standpoint on most servers and how they run.

In regards to the public hive, I've tried it for a couple of days, to no avail. Since I'm hosting with ST, it's only shared among servers hosted by him.

Your assumption is that because the server is squad based, with one of the admins part of it, that there's going to be an unfair advantage. It's not, I don't take pride in giving myself gear or using utilities to my advantage (or others for that matter). I pay for the server, the point is to fill it up. I didn't spend all my time getting it setup to ruin it for myself and others. I'd be wasting my own cash.

I was inspired by one of the recent servers I've actively played on for months. The squad based community was strong there and it made for superb competition. I didn't see it faulting, aside a few qualms between teams, but that's natural with oppositions.

I claimed the server yesterday in between switching hosts numerous times. With the IPs constantly changing, I just couldn't be bothered to sort it out before I went to bed. Thanks for the heads up though.

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If I can offer advice to anyone thinking about this server, it's quite the joke of a server and ABSOLUTELY not worth your time. The admins host events where they give themselves top gear and post up in Devil's Castle and disguise their PK'ing as a "Server Event". Interestingly enough, after making a comment about them using server events as a cover for getting their kicks killing their players, wouldn't you know? A chopper with the admins comes from nowhere, directly to my location in the middle of a forest, and starts unloading on me.

-Well, I guess if you do choose to join and still have the brains to see through their disguised admin abuse: Don't try to warn the others, the admins will come and kill you for it.

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If I can offer advice to anyone thinking about this server, it's quite the joke of a server and ABSOLUTELY not worth your time. The admins host events where they give themselves top gear and post up in Devil's Castle and disguise their PK'ing as a "Server Event". Interestingly enough, after making a comment about them using server events as a cover for getting their kicks killing their players, wouldn't you know? A chopper with the admins comes from nowhere, directly to my location in the middle of a forest, and starts unloading on me.

-Well, I guess if you do choose to join and still have the brains to see through their disguised admin abuse: Don't try to warn the others, the admins will come and kill you for it.

Cal, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I wasn't on during the event but I'm going to get answers out of the guys who hosted it. By the looks of your comment, I'm not pleased to see what happened. If you want to come back, I will gladly compensate any damages. I wasn't in charge of the event.

Update: Upon further review, it seems that the other Admins took it upon themselves to compete in the event. It's a general rule of thumb to not compete as an Admin. It usually kicks up dust in regards to fairness, I can understand that. They were unaware that they couldn't enjoy themselves as much as the players. They should know otherwise to not get involved and compete. This won't happen again and I appreciate your formal complaint in regards to what happened. Trust me, they won't get off lightly.

Since when is 400+ vehicles "untouched"?!

Andrey, You missed the edit at the bottom of my post. This thread was otherwise dead, so I didn't bother changing much else on it. Nor have I changed the website. The server has been obviously more popular with more vehicles than it has without. Jumping around 2000 positions in less than two weeks (check the game tracker).

Regards, Del

Edited by Delquae

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