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Lord Lovecustard

Why have I lost everything?

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Hi all,

I just had a mammoth session, resulting in finding various chemlights/binoculars/flares and even an M16A2 M203 - I was giddy with excitement!

Anyway, had to log off the server, at Balota airfield I think. Came back 15 minutes later and I had to create a character from scratch again, losing all my gear in the process.

It was the exact same server that I tried logging in to.

Why did this happen and how can I stop it happening again?

Edit to add: I know the situation with private/public hives and not sharing data between them, but if it was the exact same server, I still shoud have kept my gear right?

Edited by Lord Lovecustard

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Only thing that could explain it, other than a bug, is corrupted data on a public hive or an admin wiped your stats on a private hive.

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Its possible that the server had to restart or roll back. Its hard to say. Just don't force quit out of DayZ, that will not save anything.

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What is the proper way to log off, I've been hitting escape - abort - disconnect, and then disconnecting back through the menus?

I sound like such a bambi right now..:(

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I don't think it was, after I found the M16 I was so happy I ran off into the woods to log off as it was dark. Certainly don't think it was flashing :(

Oh well, no one said playing an alpha of a mod would be easy!

Cheers for the input guys

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I'm sure you will find all the gear again quite easily, don't fret.

The things you mentioned have a very high spawn rate. And the M16, well bad luck.

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It sounds like you may have played on a private hive and can no longer find that server. Taking a shot in the dark but either that or corrupted data as stated above

but hey, that's the fun of dayz, don't get attached to your gear

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