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Unique ID's?

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Does DayZ use some sort of unique ID's outside of STEAM? Because, I played on my steam account on my friend's computer and dl'd ARMA / OA and then played DayZ and showed her the game.

She loved it. So, I go home and play DayZ, but when she uninstalled the ARMA I installed on her computer, then bought ARMA on her steam and did the whole installation process (I walked her through every step), she logs in and she has MY characters hunger/humanity/items etc etc - she's me.

So... How do I make it so the DayZ servers recognize that I'm actually on MY PC now, and that my friend logging on her PC is a new and unique person and not 'me' again?

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It's tied to the CD Key which is stored in the registry files, so tell her to edit that key maybe?

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That could possibly work. So, because I installed it first on her cpu from MY steam, it used MY cd key and put it in the registry. When uninstalling ARMA it doesn't clear registry like that?

I'll try to find it in my own registry to see how I would change it

I don't know where to look, in hindsight.

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Should be located in

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive Studio and

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio

to access the registry start > search > regedit

and it may work, not to sure

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Thanks guys/girls for the help, when she gets off work I'll run her through it.

Eeek, well I found it but this is what I see


Donno if you can see the left very well. It says [ab] (default) REG_SZ (Value not set)

when I click on it nothing happens

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She gets off work in an hour and half' date=' I'de like to have a resolution :D


I send you a solution,this must help you with changing the keys!

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