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Considering Standalone to feature Single Player? (Future Suggestion)

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Hi, I just wanted to know if the development team has some type of plan on making a single player portion that will relate to Day-Z. What I'd like to suggest is something that'll give off more of a plot to the multiplayer portion of the mod. This isn't something that should be immediate or soon but this is just a recommendation for the future of the DayZ to expand the experience. I will list down some ideas I have been considering for this.

List Features

-Play as a civilian prior to the unknown zombie virus and experience how it was spreaded.

-Possibility of becoming infected = failing the single player alone.

-Ability to explore and meet NPC's with the capabilities to teaming up or even trying to attack you in a panic.

-Unlockable items that could be carried onto the multiplayer experience. (Whether it's clothing or a weapon, etc)

-Experience the collapse of society within the duration in the aftermath of the pandemic; which means paranoia within Chernarus and such.

-Co-Op mode should not be implemented as it would practically become a multiplayer portion.

-Providing a backstory to the events of DayZ to better understand the history of the event.

-No rules; which means an ability to eradicate survivors upon your own will or assist them for everyone's benefit.


This is mostly a productive idea for players to either want to know more about how DayZ became what it was or for people who happen to want to play an offline portion to either get yourself trained for the harsh survival environment which would happen to be the multiplayer between novice and expert players along with providing a plot within the mod to give it a good growth spurt for the future.


I know I might get some flack for this but consider it just a suggestion which could be a possibility to be ported into the future. I will praise support and opinions but not troll attempts.

(This topic will undergo editing to produce further ideas/errors)

Edited by TIC321

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I think the last thing Rocket said on the matter was that it would be considered. It'll be a long way off though if at all, once the game is pretty much complete and he suggested it would be made by a different team.

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-Ability to explore and meet NPC's with the capabilities to teaming up or even trying to attack you in a panic.

I feel like NPC's would ruin this game. NPC's never have the the depth that real people have. This would be really time consuming too. AIs aren't easy. If you look at the Arma II AIs, they aren't very smart. I would much rather have them making degradable guns, customizeable cars, and redoing buggy things such as player skeletons.

-Unlockable items that could be carried onto the multiplayer experience. (Whether it's clothing or a weapon, etc)

Unlockable? You mean that if I kill someone in multiplayer with a cool gun that I can't pick it up? Or if I find something cool on the ground I can't have it?

-No rules; which means an ability to eradicate survivors upon your own will or assist them for everyone's benefit.

No rules? This sounds like just regular DayZ.

Overall, I feel that a singleplayer wouldn't be any different than the regular game. You can add in the storyline and stuff to the multiplayer by adding notes. I don't see the reasoning in adding NPCs instead of real players if they are filling the same purpose.

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I think the last thing Rocket said on the matter was that it would be considered. It'll be a long way off though if at all, once the game is pretty much complete and he suggested it would be made by a different team.

Yeah I completely understand that it'd be too much on the plate of Bohemia Interactive between this and ArMA 3. Purpose of this was to throw it as a future reference for DayZ. It can come in at any time frame at this point. I am very patient. On a top note, everyone is doing a great job with this :)

@Beast; I can agree. The NPC's aren't top notch but does stand it's ground on standards. It all comes over time with improvements with the ArMA engine being entirely improved and up to date with modern gaming. Single player would be good for players that do not have an internet connection other than that. I can agree it wouldn't be any different than multiplayer ;) Perhaps a future expansion for DayZ instead of single player?

Edited by TIC321

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