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what do you guy think a bandit is?

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My def? A person who kills for the thrill of just killing. Not even killing for the sake of looting. Or like what Mupplo said, murderers. I respect the other two types of bandits, though I still do my best to hunt them down.

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me personally, as a bandit with a big amount of negative humanity, i kill for the loot, but also for my safety.

2 stories to differentiate between my playstyle, and the average "bandit" (more of a douchebag) player.

First story:

Me and my mate were at the NE airfield, searching for a weapon (better than my AKM, which I really love tho, and I always ended up the one surviving a gun-encounter, even against 2 (gotta admit, those 2 were practically both real smartasses, looking at a bandit you can really, really hear that heartbeat thingy from and not shoot him instantly) enemies at once. anyways, so i found this M240 in a helicrash a few metres behind the runway, my mate got an Mk48 from a guy in Cherno before already, and was done checking the AT tower when 2 cars, a betty van and a tractor, drove right over the open field towards the AT tower. we set up a perimeter, waiting for them to drive into the ambush. our main objective was the S1203, so we opened fire on the tractor first (i shot the S1203 first, hoping to shoot the driver unconscious), leading to it's destruction, the guy inside got out tho, the S1203 had rammed the AT tower straight away (it was not missing any wheels tho). We did not know how many people were against us now. I had collected 1 frag nade and 1 smoke nade, so we were doing the following: i threw the smoke grenade in front of the AT tower entrance (we had spotted one of the enemy players next to the stairs), while my mate was hiding behind the S1203. then i threw the frag grenade in the top floor of the AT tower, climbing the ladder, coming down the stairs now standing right above the guy at the stairs. I called my mate to look around the corner and open fire once i've fired a few shots into a wall. Like expected, the guy turned around to see what those gun shots were, my mate killed him with 3 clean shots into the back. i was moving down the stairs as i saw a female char rolling out behind the stairs. well 3 shots killed her, 2 of those hit her head.

they didn't have any interesting loot, just the car.


another story: guy in cherno with obviously high-end gear (constant DMR / M14 AIM fire in the town), was killing anything that moved into cherno. As my mate was gone afk, and i had no option to find out the distance between me and him (had an M107), i waited almost 10 minutes until my mate came back. (unlike me he had the rangefinder). calling me the distance, i ended that douche's killing spree, with a clean shot in his heart (ironic, isn't it?).

didn't have much interest in his loot, had a FN FAL (+ 3 mags) and a M107 by that time (mate got DMR and M4A3 CCO). what i was interested in tho was us getting to our PBX safely again (parked on the very edge of the harbor, behind the farest pier.), and by accident, obviously made Chernogorsk a safe place for a few bambis again, at least until the next douche would show up. or until bambis shoot themselves again .. caught a few survivors with their pants down, and man are people friendly if you catch them with a FAL pointing at their back. just to show you guys i do NOT kill anything that crosses my path (well, at least not in cherno as for every guy u kill, 3 new appear).

Story 1: Bandit

Story 2: Douchebag

Note to self: Now that i've got a M107 again, maybe i should start sniping douchebags in cherno again.

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A bandit is someone who kills to take the loot for a corpse.

I think people have this misconception that snipers and people who randomly kill are bandits. They aren't. They are just murderers.

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I wish bandits would be a bit more imaginative.

I've got no problem getting killed if it is done in an original way.

Snipers - nothing but pussies. Come at me with a hatchet, toe to toe.

I was a new spawn and decided to screw around with a hatchet before getting decent loot and heading north. So I walked into the Elektro store with nothing but a hatchet and this guy with a revolver staring straight at me opens fire I take 3 shots before breaking my leg when I'm at him and manage to knock him out and kill him, with only 500 blood left bandaged and rolled all the way to the hospital before being swarmed by zombies. Best kill as a bandit I've ever done

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Kill to loot is a valid strategy. Kill on threat is a valid strategy.

I feel a bandit is someone who purposely kills a unarmed, lightly armed or otherwise "weak" target when they couldve avoided it. One time, i was in kamenka. I was looting ,and was greeted by a ghillie sniper's as50 to the face. I hadn't seen him either. That's true banditry. IF you find a ghillie sniper, go the fuck ahead. IF you find someone looting a heli crash, shoot him. If you find a kid running around with a winchester, gtfo or bandit.

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I personally am a good bandit. I keep an lookout over Cherno or Elektro for 'em bambi killers. If someone blames that there was a bambi killer in that location, I usually reach the guy from behind and take him out. I became a bandit because I protected my own stuff and myself. That's how I got my bandit skin. I am a lone wolf because no survivour trust me because I have a bandit skin or they try to kill me because I have AS50 and a modded M4A1. Pluss ghilley suit. And I also dont trust other bandits. So yeah, if you see a lone guy with ghilly suit and AS50 or modded M4A1, just do your own business. I aint gonna kill you from behind, unless you attack an bambi.

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A bandit isn't someone who just kills everything that moves. A real bandit organizes car-jackings, ambushes, kidnappings, things like that. If you snipe on the coast or hang out in the big cities and kill everyone you see, you're not in my opinion a real bandit. Those kinds of people just hinder others, a lot of the time they don't gain from the kill, they kill solely to kill. A true bandit kills to survive. Bandits like that add a lot of fun into the game. I'd rather get kidnapped than get killed the second someone sees me through their scope 800m away. When I play as a bandit that's what I do, I only kill if I have to. If I can get a guy to pull his car over, hold him up at gunpoint, take whatever stuff I want, then leave him with the bare minimum as I drive away in his car, I'm happy. I don't feel the need to commit bambi genocide.

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I wish bandits would be a bit more imaginative.

I've got no problem getting killed if it is done in an original way.

Snipers - nothing but pussies. Come at me with a hatchet, toe to toe.

had a bandit come at me with a hatchet once - I shot him in the face -was that wrong ??? :S

how about when i tee-bagged him afterwords?

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