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Banned Appeal

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Hello Admins, Moderators and other staff of the DayZ community.

A few months ago i purchased ARMA2 for my little brother just for him to play the mod. well when he told me a showed me i found it odd because he logged on and straight away was told he was banned, Now i checked his computer and he had no hacks and whatever the bug was wasted my money at the time and my brother got very upset.

If this issue could be resolved i would be greatful. Thanks in advance for the support.

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The only way a key wouldn't work is if you, your brother or another person that used that PC had downloaded a file that had an ARMA 2 key stealer buried inside and that file was run. You wont be able to tell if its on your PC unless the hacker is stupid as it transmits the code, replaces his with a hacked one and then shuts down or deletes.

There is however a very VERY slim possibility that your legit key popped up inside a keygen and that person decided to use hacks and therefor got the key/GUID banned.

Oh and what the guy above said ^^

Edited by Be4st

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I called a friend around after it happend and he checked, He has used computers for a long time and is a very techy household.

he looked at my antivirus and stated it can't be one due to the antivirus as one would have told me about it by now as those things get caught with in a month of being on your pc is not less, but it is a definate catch. So it's a bug on the servers end not my own.

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So it's a bug on the servers end not my own.

Extremely unlikely, but take a look at the stickies and contact battleye, if it is really a wrongful ban BE will overturn it.

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I called a friend around after it happend and he checked, He has used computers for a long time and is a very techy household.

he looked at my antivirus and stated it can't be one due to the antivirus as one would have told me about it by now as those things get caught with in a month of being on your pc is not less, but it is a definate catch. So it's a bug on the servers end not my own.

Then your friend is wrong regardless of how "techy" his household is. These stealers are binded to a file and then made FUD (Fully Undetectable). Granted these things can be detected over time but some go a long time without any Anti-Virus company picking it up. Over the past year, I have tinkered with these tools to examine and test how they work. One of the Crypters I have, I have had for a year yet only 1 out of 14 major AV Companies can detect its stub.These stealers are designed to do a smash-and-grab on your keys and leave in seconds by removing all traces of their existence trust me.

Like the guy above said, your best bet is to contact Battleye and get them to reverse the block but it may take a while and can be tricky.

Edited by Be4st
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Yup, the info above is good.

We don't deal with BE bans, technically they have banned your Arma key.

You need to contact Battleye, their details can be found in the ban area of the forum or via Google. Be aware though that it's rare for bans to be overturned as they are only issued with solid evidence to back them up.


Edited by Fraggle

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