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DayZ "Karma" or just lucky. Funny story.

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Today i got on this awesome sever for namalsk. Played for about 3-4 hours. Got a little team going with a nice set full of guns. There were maybe 5 of us on this server. A few hours later after everyone in my group has left i got back on. Now there is about 10 or so new people on the server i never seen. I'm friendly unless i have to be. So as i was driving across the dam (awful place to be nice btw) I hear a car. I look around and see a black caddy. I pull forward a bit and type in side chat. Before i hit enter i got shot at and killed. I was pretty pissed so i walked away and grabbed a drink.

About 10mins later i log back on to the same server. What do you know!!! I'm 2mins away from the dam. But i have nothing but a pack and some beans. I started running away from the dam when i hear a four wheeler and some gun fire. I dropped to the ground and turned around. I can see the four wheeler guy just flying pass the guy with the black caddy. they both stop and get off/out on foot. I see the caddy parked on the backside of the dam. I have nothing to lose so i go for it. It's a nice little run in the open. The whole time they are having this badass gun fight on the dam i'm watching them and running.

I get not but 15 feet from the SUV when the gunfire stops. I freak out and stop for a second...then the shots pick up again. I ran right to the SUV jumped in and floored it away. As i'm driving i'm so happy! Thinking to myself that was so awesome how it played out. The guy killing me to, walking away for a few mins, then spawning so close to the dam, then getting the SUV. I did lose all my stuff but when i stopped to look in the SUV. Let's just say it was like i got walmart for Christmas! Away's i just wanted to share this fun little story of mine. If it's in the wrong place mods please move. thanks!

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Karma works well in DayZ, they definitely nailed it down and I hope they implement it in the standalone.

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My best karma story would be when I was killed by hackers teleing everyone into the air, I had a lot of useful items at the time so to die like that got me pretty pissed.

Anyway I log out then respawn on the coast on a different server, immediately cut across the forest to get to the power plant north of Elektro, I hear flies and begin looking for the source of the noise, laying there I see a guy in a ghillie suit, I loot his body, a coyote backpack,GPS, a m4a3 with plenty of ammo and more!

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