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No weapon at start - Awesome Teamwork

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Been a while since I died. Logged on with flashing food/water. Needless to say I died with my NVG, GPS, SD pistol and M4A2 CCO SD. Anyway...

Started again, and I have to say its the most fun I have had in ages. Since we dont have a gun at the start the team work is pretty damn good. Hardly any players killing each other and nearly all working together. Much different from when I was last at a starting zone.

Have to say I am glad I died now.

Great work DayZ team!

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That's nice. Good to see we're having more teamwork. Zombies still see too far tho... :/

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I've gotten the opposite. Every person I've encountered so far (about 5 or 6) has been even more hostile than usual. I ran by some guys who clearly had gear and weapons while I had nothing. I was being tailed by zombies. Instead of leaving me alone or helping me, the guys followed my with their guns and kept shooting until I died. Before that life, I tried to help a guy being followed by zombies but instead he turned around and shot me.

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that happened so often to me. i helped guys and i was clearly at the advatge.. but then they kill me?!

whats wrong with those peoples?

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Been a while since I died. Logged on with flashing food/water. Needless to say I died with my NVG' date=' GPS, SD pistol and M4A2 CCO SD. Anyway...

Started again, and I have to say its the most fun I have had in ages. Since we dont have a gun at the start the team work is pretty damn good. Hardly any players killing each other and nearly all working together. Much different from when I was last at a starting zone.

Have to say I am glad I died now.

Great work DayZ team!


I am pointing post like this to people when there is overwhelming evidence to contrary. This patch has made a predatory crowd even more paniced, angry and given them a itchy trigger finger.

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I've gotten the opposite. Every person I've encountered so far (about 5 or 6) has been even more hostile than usual. I ran by some guys who clearly had gear and weapons while I had nothing. I was being tailed by zombies. Instead of leaving me alone or helping me' date=' the guys followed my with their guns and kept shooting until I died. Before that life, I tried to help a guy being followed by zombies but instead he turned around and shot me.


They're just talking about meeting people who ALSO have no gun and how they get to hold hands for a couple minutes until they come across a player who has a gun.

Rocket basically just put out a feature that required the least work possible out of him, and it shows.

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I've gotten the opposite. Every person I've encountered so far (about 5 or 6) has been even more hostile than usual. I ran by some guys who clearly had gear and weapons while I had nothing. I was being tailed by zombies. Instead of leaving me alone or helping me' date=' the guys followed my with their guns and kept shooting until I died. Before that life, I tried to help a guy being followed by zombies but instead he turned around and shot me.


They're just talking about meeting people who ALSO have no gun and how they get to hold hands for a couple minutes until they come across a player who has a gun.

Rocket basically just put out a feature that required the least work possible out of him, and it shows.

Don't change what im saying. Don't assume just because you have a bad experience that I have too.

I've came across several people with guns and ive also had a gun. So much complaining on this forum its unreal.

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I have to admit despite liking the no gun start im finding alot of people very hostile depsite proffesing my peaceful intentions.

So far my favourite is the guy sitting on top of the control tower at balota airfield sniping all the guys coming into the area..

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Teamwork rules...I've always held that opinion though, so my bias is palpable!

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Im sorry but to me its to hard to zeds can hear and see u from to far now even crawling and can still see into buildings.i had lots of gear just to respawn with nothing crawled to a empty barn while crouch walking and was still heard by zeds outside and was attacked by 4 again no weps so died this has happened now in 6 restarts .some may say it makes it better but this is getting to hard to play .if the aggro of the zeds was lower might make it better to at least try to find some ammo/guns but its not.

oh and on 6th start i still got ganked by a sniper .and just for record i have been playing this for long time i do know how to be quite and also played with friends they all saying same thing .the game was fun now in my opinion to hard.thanks either way for mod but wont be playing till maybe next patch.....

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Hot fixes and patches will address issues. This will be a work in progress for many a month yet.

Patience is a virtue.

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Confirming this. Team work seems way more prevalent now. Of course there's still the chance of encountering the usual backstabber but since the new patch, I've only encountered friendlies. With guns, without guns, with good gear, without good gear, doesn't matter, seems like the atmosphere has changed quite a bit. People are realizing that there are just too many benefits in playing as a group since the new patch. Ultra aggro zeds for one thing and spawning without a starting weapon for another.

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I escorted a guy with little else but the clothes he wore through Cherno this morning.

Giving him my Makarov and a few mags, I sent him on his way and watched, in horror, as he was popped in the head from a tree line.

Beautiful teamwork; beastly banditry...both prevalent, both amazing!

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Confirming this. Team work seems way more prevalent now. Of course there's still the chance of encountering the usual backstabber but since the new patch' date=' I've only encountered friendlies. With guns, without guns, with good gear, without good gear, doesn't matter, seems like the atmosphere has changed quite a bit. People are realizing that there are just too many benefits in playing as a group since the new patch. Ultra aggro zeds for one thing and spawning without a starting weapon for another.


How is ultra aggro Zombies forcing people to group up? The second a survivor picks up a gun he's going to pop you once you come clear of Zeds, proceed to loot you, and be on his merry way. The person without a gun is fucking deadweight against ultra aggro Zombies. Period.

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Not if you look at my post above, friend.

I'd agree in principle, but sometimes it's good to feel like a leader!


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I escorted a guy with little else but the clothes he wore through Cherno this morning.

Giving him my Makarov and a few mags' date=' I sent him on his way and watched, in horror, as he was popped in the head from a tree line.

Beautiful teamwork; beastly banditry...both prevalent, both amazing!


Hmm me thinks you lead him to the wolfs... I see it now.. Hey um.. yea you should go check out that building over there goodluck mate.. watch him head off... bam hes dead... Hmm looks like it wasent so safe after all :) you used him as bait admit it!


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How is ultra aggro Zombies forcing people to group up? The second a survivor picks up a gun he's going to pop you once you come clear of Zeds' date=' proceed to loot you, and be on his merry way. The person without a gun is fucking deadweight against ultra aggro Zombies. Period.


The second a survivor picks up a gun he's going to pop you

Hasn't happened once in the 5 hours that I've played since the new patch. Sometimes there were quite a few communication problems (russians) and still nobody got back stabbed.

And to answer your question. You need as much manpower as you can get against these new zeds. They swarm in from all directions now, ammo sharing is mandatory to cover all directions and openings.

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He's right, though, from a purely practical standpoint there's no reason to have along a guy who can't help fight zombies, short of using him as bait and even that is questionable if he's going to aggro the zeds and need you to shoot them off.

If you're both unarmed you have nothing to gain by teaming up. If you are armed and run across someone who is unarmed you have nothing to gain by having him with you. If you are armed and run into someone who is armed you have a good chance of getting shot.

This change definitely reduces the number of bandits camping the usual cities, but I don't think it's affected teamwork. Not from what I've seen.

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To be honest i agree with the teamwork but a post above me beat me to it about how the person you are helping will pop you soon as they get a gun, Since i was working alone and managed to get a decent gun and some ammo i was working my way out of town and heard a few shots to i hit the deck, While waiting i see 1 geard guy with a AK and a un-geard guy so it looked like he was helping him, they went in side a building and i could see directly into it,

the guy with no gear finally got a weapon and to my supprise he killed the geard guy, the geard guy raged in chat, i thought it was rather amusing! yes i did kill the guy that killed the geard guy!

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Don't change what im saying. Don't assume just because you have a bad experience that I have too.

I've came across several people with guns and ive also had a gun. So much complaining on this forum its unreal.

Then how would that have anything to do with the "no gun at start" change?

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Don't change what im saying. Don't assume just because you have a bad experience that I have too.

I've came across several people with guns and ive also had a gun. So much complaining on this forum its unreal.

Then how would that have anything to do with the "no gun at start" change?

I use to always get shot on sight before this patch, the matter what.

This is the first ive never actually been shot at. Pretty easy for me to link them together. However, this is just my experience. Ofc its going to be different with everyone else.

Could say the same about you.

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I must say, I love the concept of the game and its general direction. I also love difficult things, and generally play this game with some RL friends so I understand teamwork.

However this patch it's too much at once. You reduce starting inventory, increase aggro range, and decrease the stealth of prone crawling all at once. Now I have been playing for some time now, and yet when I spawn I find this to be ridiculous. If I get caught by a Zombie that now apparently has infrared vision and my grandmas hearing aid. I get hit and start bleeding... great now I have to attempt to lose him... no easy feat, and on top of it all if I do survive I have already lost half my inventory at least and I am considerably injured. Let alone time wasted that my food and water need has increased with no way to immediately fix it.

That aside this "Teamwork" everyone is referring to where is it?

-First I understand that every meeting with other players is different.

That being said tell me how I am suppose to use "Teamwork" with some other fresh player on the coast, we both don't have anything. What is one suppose to just be bait and let you run in and hope you find something useful? Meanwhile the "bait" may or may not be killed or seriously injured and for what random loot?

Better yet, here I am fresh off the beach making my way to a town. I have nothing but starting items and that is blatantly apparent with my location, starter backpack, and no weapon to speak of. I come across another player. This one lucky enough to have a gun, long story short I was essentially executed with no way what so ever to defend myself. I could not even punch back -_-. and for what? my bandage or painkillers that I may still have had?

If anything instead of working together the lack of weapon or starting item makes people more paranoid, and aggressive. They figure well that person may get something I need, kill him now so he can't take my precious items.

I'm not saying this has been everyone's experience, however I know with the new patch I have died more on the coast than I ever did before. Worst of it all is at least before I was worth killing, I had food and water, and extra pistol mags. Now I am not worth killing and yet I continue to die along the coast, and get to suffer the terribly long (for whatever new reason) "Waiting for character to create" stage.

I understand this is Alpha, and the point is to test these things. However it is because of this being Alpha that I am posting this as that is the point, for Alpha testing which is generally speaking bug fixes and player feedback.

Don't change what im saying. Don't assume just because you have a bad experience that I have too.

I've came across several people with guns and ive also had a gun. So much complaining on this forum its unreal.

Then how would that have anything to do with the "no gun at start" change?

I use to always get shot on sight before this patch' date=' the matter what.

This is the first ive never actually been shot at. Pretty easy for me to link them together. However, this is just my experience. Ofc its going to be different with everyone else.

Could say the same about you.


Hard to shoot at you with no weapon

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Don't change what im saying. Don't assume just because you have a bad experience that I have too.

I've came across several people with guns and ive also had a gun. So much complaining on this forum its unreal.

Then how would that have anything to do with the "no gun at start" change?

I use to always get shot on sight before this patch' date=' the matter what.

This is the first ive never actually been shot at. Pretty easy for me to link them together. However, this is just my experience. Ofc its going to be different with everyone else.

Could say the same about you.


Hard to shoot at you with no weapon

The fact you quoted that quote and gave that response show that you didn't read the actually quote...

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I escorted a guy with little else but the clothes he wore through Cherno this morning.

Giving him my Makarov and a few mags' date=' I sent him on his way and watched, in horror, as he was popped in the head from a tree line.

Beautiful teamwork; beastly banditry...both prevalent, both amazing!


Hmm me thinks you lead him to the wolfs... I see it now.. Hey um.. yea you should go check out that building over there goodluck mate.. watch him head off... bam hes dead... Hmm looks like it wasent so safe after all :) you used him as bait admit it!


Yeah, but I'll only admit it to you.

No one else is reading this right?



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