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ATF Panthera Server - Admin Abuse and Privacy Violation

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I'm not one to complain about DayZ when things don't go my way, but this case is a bit more extreme than an illegitimate ban.

Here's what happened in a brief summary. Myself and my two brothers play on this server constantly, and have so for months; and have killed many ATF members (the clan that owns the server). Recently, we took them down pretty hard, killing 6 players and destroying 2 choppers. They didn't take kindly to this, and decided to ban one of us. As a response, we went into their teamspeak server and talked to them, arguing that they had no proof of him hacking (which they don't) and had no reason to ban any of us other than rage over being killed; to which they followed up with some hasty backtracking and invalid excuses.

After we had left the teamspeak server, we posted this on their website forums:

(tldr: we think you guys abuse some admin rights and are quick to think players hack because you were killed while you thought you were safe. We're going to continue playing because we like the server and most of your guys are cool, but think you should be a little more hesitant to whine about things that are entirely within reason. Be nicer to the regulars on your server).

We have nothing against atf and think you guys run a good server. We've been playing on the server for months and are all regularly on. We haven't ever hacked anything, play on the server regularly and don't bitch even though we've died our fair share of times and lost good gear. It's whatever, you die in dayz, that's why we play.

However, we were on the server tonight and killed a bunch of ATF guys in helicopters while we were in zappado. There were three of us all with As50's + a secondary (dmr, m4a1 cco sd, m4a1 holo) with pretty much the best gear you can get because we've been killing people on the server for weeks. Pretty much every time you guys get shot down and killed anywhere near the desert it's us.

After we killed the guys who were on, one of them immediately banned one of our guys for no legitimate reason other then they thought that we made some hard shots and had good gear. We went on teamspeak and were able to convince the guys on to unban us after arguing and telling them that we haven't hacked anything, we've just been playing this game for a long time and had good guns and knew what we were doing.

Actually one of the guys who said it was a hard shot later asked a question about zeroing, so now I understand why they had no idea we could kill them easily when we had range finders and as50's with nato rounds.

Another guy couldn't figure out how we could kill people but had trouble taking down the helicopters. I think that's a clear indication of two things: 1) if we were hacking we'd be better players. 2) Some of your guys have no idea what they're talking about. Shooting a specific vent to the engine block on a moving chopper with an unknown range is a lot harder than shooting some guys out of the gunner/pilot seats.

Yet another guy thought we were hacking because he got shot out of an industrial building in the desert. When you run in the desert, you agro zombies. So you're easy to see. If we see a ghilly suit guy running into an industrial building in the desert after we just took out two choppers, we assume he wants to counter snipe us. So we moved two guys to go take him out from two different angles, in a building that has windows. It's not unfeasible that we can make that shot when you're not moving much and we can check an exact range.

There has also been two cases in the past few weeks where we died by shenanigans right after we had killed you guys. Like two of our guys, right after we killed a heli and a secondary rush, were in the industrial building bottom floor surrounded by walls with no view from the outside while I was scanning the desert/inner city as overwatch, and then they both die immediately from nothing. That's happened twice now where our guys die from nothing for no reason right after we'd killed you. We don't know if you can server kill, so we didn't say anything, but it seems pretty damn suspicious. Especially when you consider that I'm the only one who didn't die, and I was the only one those rounds who didn't get any kills on you, both times.

Honestly we think that while the server is good, the admins aren't doing a great job. We've watched while you jump on guys about hacking because they killed you, or being unreasonably mad at any other clan that comes into the mix. We know that there has been a fair share of hackers on the server in the past, we've been killed by them too, but you should at least look for some evidence before you go banning everyone. Also we think it's kind of bogus how you basically restart the server whenever you want so you can get helicopters and harvest gear. But we personally don't care because we like shooting you guys down and then stealing your stuff.

All we're looking for is for you guys to keep maintaining your sever well, but stop getting personally upset when you die from shit, or skeptical that players could actually take you out when they have weapons specifically made for shooting down helicopters and hitting targets at long range..

After they ban all three of us and include some rather negative feedback - which indicated that they had largely ignored most of our explanation - we post again.

I'm sorry that I didn't strike the right "tone" for you guys, but you're not my fucking mom.

Here's the thing. As we said, first thing, both when we logged onto your teamspeak, and when we posted here. We have no problem with ATF, and we like playing your server. For the most part it's a great server, and for the several months we've been playing it ATF guys have been cool to us most of the time. When we posted here we were pissed off, so maybe it came off a little heated, but we aren't posting as a referendum on your clan, we are posting because we want a good server to play on, where we don't have to worry about being banned for pulling off a well coordinated op.

You guys are a clan, a big clan that as far as we can tell is pretty well organized in game and out. You should relish competition. When you get a small team of guys that engage you in an organized fashion, you should step up to the challenge instead of falling back on assumptions that we must be cheating. I'm fucking terrible with computers. It took me 5 tries to make an account on this fucking forum, and I still can't get my computer to run DayZ in a window. Shifty (Mr Dr John Stamos) taught me how to split-screen 3 months ago and I still can't make it work. But I'm a good shot, so lets take this apart piece by piece and not get in each others faces about it.

1) How did we get the guns? Your server is the only server we have been playing for months. Every so often we'll go regular DayZ, but it's too big, we like Panthera, and we like that you have vehicles and weapons to shoot and steal. We've done plenty of dying, but for the past few weeks we've stuck to the desert and jumped your guys (and plenty of others) multiple times. When one of us has died we've managed to hang onto some gear and guard the body. When we get good guns, we hang onto them, and we've killed plenty of guys with good guns.

2) How? We're brothers, we have been playing games like this together all our lives. We live hundreds of miles apart now, and DayZ is how we get to hang out, so we cooperate. We spread our ammo around to make sure we are all well equipped. Just about every ATF body we have checked has had high powered weapons, and we've taken down maybe 15-20 of you in the last 2 weeks. As far as ammo duping, a car in zap spawns m107 rounds, about 10 clips every time you reset the server.

3) First guy to die was a gunner in an Iroquois. The chopper was hovering in town, almost motionless, no more than 100 yards from shifty, we had watched you come into town the whole time. Easy enough shot.

4) When we shot you out of the next chopper you were landing, auto hover was on and you were on a slow descent at 600 meters, we had a clear view and used map waypointing as well as range finders to dial in exactly. Easy shots with the right gun, even tho we did still miss a few.

5) The guy on the school roof was fucked. we had two separate high angles on him, and another moving in on the ground, he sat up and I put a dmr round in his gut. Thats it.

6) The guy in the desert industrial poked his head in the window of the only building in that area, I caught a glimpse, waited for the shot (again, range checking had us dialed in) and missed the first one. After he heard the shot he looked in the wrong direction and took a step forward into the window again, this time I hit, in the head, the only part I could see.

7) While your chopper was doing high speed gun runs he killed one of our men who had gone to loot ghillie guy's body, I had returned to a roof in town, the chopper slowed down to a near hover at what I thought was 400 yards, I aimed high and right and hit low and to the left ,but an AS50 round will kill you even on a hip shot.

This is our last post, we're not trying to make a scene here and think flame wars are useless. We just want accountability. If you are going to continue having a good server you have to respect the people who play on it. We are aware that you pay for the server. Thank you. But we're guessing you don't want a server all to yourselves. If you think we were mouthing off on your teamspeak, it was because we were trying to get a word in. We had to explain, multiple times, to every person in there, exactly how it all went down. If you want to ban us, have fun shooting fresh spawns at the coast since you won't let anybody in that interferes with your chopper looting. If you want decent competition, let us play. And maybe let another clan in every once in a while, makes the game more fun for everybody.

But they delete the post, and in response post personal and private information on the forums, violating our privacy rights.

View this as a warning if you decide to play on their server.


Edited by Dutch Miller
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Btw, the guys they banned for hacking?

Two Trusted Medics of the Wasteland and their brother.

Forgive us for sniping, it was on a private hive and we were without our TMW tags...

Edited by Mojo Hobo
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They called me a crybaby ='(

my first words: "We have nothing against atf and think you guys run a good server. We've been playing on the server for months and are all regularly on. We haven't ever hacked anything, play on the server regularly and don't bitch even though we've died our fair share of times and lost good gear. It's whatever, you die in dayz, that's why we play"

Sorry for raging against you ATF.

Just trying to do everything we can to show other players this clan is unreasonable and isn't worth playing with

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I played on their server too last year and found these guys to be extremely annoying. They would steal all the gear and kill fresh spawns, then complain when they did get killed.

Not worth playing on their server, and all the shit about them banning you seems pretty silly

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Thats so some fucked up shit, theirs so really power aggressive admins out there.

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Well if you are gonna talk trash about someone or there server buddy at least show all the details, I am the Clan leader at {ATF} And was in the process of looking into this as we do will all ban requests. We never ban for no reason thats why we have run successful servers over a variety of games for over 12 years.

The reason you were banned was that you had AS50 snipers, a gun which we had taken out of the game the reason you had so many was you were duping your back packs, at least have the decency to post replys to your whining on other peoples forums, your attitude when you first came to us didnt even warrant a reply,

We do make the rules and we do pay for the server, we also work hard to give people a decent server to play on , we work hard at it and play hard on it but now and then some douche comes along and trys to spoil it, that douche being you this time..

So as you said i aint your mom and you can bitch all you want , you got banned for hacking so deal with it..

Edited by {ATF}-DoG-67-

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Speak with your feet.  These days it seems like a lot of servers have some suspect shit going on.  I don't go to this server any more for reasons related to the above complaints and more.  Any site that needs to state, with Global Admin that "accusations of hacking by admins or other players" constitutes disrespect or that "whining" isn't allowed isn't just a jab at paranoid noobies crying whenever they get smoked...it means they actively and regularly engage in behavior that will eventually discourage people from frequenting their server and they get called out for it so often they need to make a server rule to stem the tide of complaints about it.  


Griping about a server where admins are doing suspect stuff is going to get you nowhere, because they (and all the friends that benefit from whatever they're doing on their server) will flood the thread with counter-attacks and recriminations.  Noobs have to ask more questions about how to tell hacking from one of the games/mods many bugs, glitches, and the rainbow of problems that come after de-sync.  After that, if something still smells fishy, find another server.  

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