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DayZ Standalone: Ideas for bases

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Okay, so I have a few ideas for the base aspect of DayZ standalone:

I would like to see varying security locks in order to access a base. Some of the locks would include padlocks, deadbolts, increasing all the way to electronic locks that have a 4-6 digit pin number. With the differing styles of locks, there would also be different ways to get through these locks. However, with the increasing complexity of these locks, the difficulty and resources needed to get though the locks increase as well. For example: pick locking a padlock would be easier than hacking into an electronic lock to find the correct pin number. Obviously, this would be a little unrealistic because you could just shoot the padlock off the door, but oh well. I would also like to see the ability to create these locks from scavenged materials.

An alternate idea would be making traps and planting them around your base. For example: pressure/ trip mines, ditches filled with spikes that are covered with a camo sheet or something, claymores, ect.

Adding to the two aforementioned ideas, I believe it would be cool if there were an alarm system for bases, or something that alerts you when your base is getting broken into.

I know that these ideas are not pertinent to the release of the sandalone, but I would like to see something like this in the future of DayZ.

Edited by DrkHunter

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Some great idea's, not sure about the exact choices you chose though. Locks are a great idea, perhaps you can find them throughout the map and put them on existing Buildings, so as to fortify them moreso. I don't think things like Electronic locks would.. fit, if that's the correct term, with DayZ. As I see it, It's about surviving as long as possible - Then, after becoming well equipped you move onto more challenging things; Finding vehicles, creating Camps ECT. Even then after creating / finding the aforementioned things, there is always an ever-present danger of being found.

Padlocks would help if you set-up in a small shack or something like that, with the only way of gaining access being with Bolt Cutters, or simply shooting the Lock (Allowing any near-by Infected to be attracted, meaning most people would think twice before simply shooting a Door knob to then find a troll Tent)

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one question: why make the text blue?

it really makes it annoying to read

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I like the ideas on the simple locks and the traps and stuff. You should also be able to arrange simple junk and furniture to make that stuff more useful. For instance, if a group of people could find a way to move some decommissioned trucks to form a wall, move some furniture to block all the entrances in a building but one, and you have something of a zombie funnel. Simple ideas like this. Take what is in the environment and turn it into something that is unique that allows the players to take command, to an extent, of their own environment.

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