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How I can see my humanity

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I cant find any official-hive servers with debug on. So how I can see my humanity?

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Short of downgrading to a version where the debug monitor was still enabled, you can't.

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why does everybody moan about the debug miniter you dont get it in real life

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why does everybody moan about the debug miniter you dont get it in real life

I'm not moaning, I just want to know when I'm no longer bandit.

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When you're no longer a bandit, you're bandit skin should disappear, however if you're on a server that does not allow 3rd person, ask someone, if you have a ghillie suit on, you're pretty much screwed unless you by some chance come across some civilian clothing.

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why does everybody moan about the debug miniter you dont get it in real life

Probably because it was the only way to see your humanity level, which you also don't have in real life, but is critical to finding out how close you are to becoming a bandit/survivor/hero.

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