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A long term server.

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Hi,I've posted a few times now asking for people to play with and I've had success .now I'm after a decent private hive server(I'm uk based)to make a long term home with a guy I've been playin with.i asked this before and joined a white listed one but it's teamspeak and I don't have that .we use Skype to communicate and that suits us.so if anyone can point us in the direction of a well looked after fair playing server then please let me know.thanks

Edited by Smokey83

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Check out my server dude, it's a well established private hive with whitelisting, and we have teamspeak (if you want to play with Team Panda) :)

Edited by -Panda

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Thanks for that guys.can I join servers and not use teamspeak or is that frowned upon.im a complete noob to pc gaming and stuff so don't know much bout it.i can use Skype with ease and it works great.i use dayZ direct chat if I bump into anyone in game so didnt seem the need for teamspeak .

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I'll give your server ago panda if you don't mind.i play with another ill get him to join but he won't be on while next week now.




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Cheers pal.i went and posted last night in your proper thread .cheers pal.

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