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Game Crashes to Desktop

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Does anyone know why when I change any graphical setting in the advanced tab, the game crashes to desktop while applying the setting ? It happens even if I just load Arma II without the DayZ mod..

CPU - AMD Athlon II X3 435

GPU - Radeon 7770

RAM - 4 GB

The CPU is overclocked slightly at 3.2 Ghz and unlocked to a certain degree through an ASUS mainboard. It was able to unlock the 6 MB of L3 cache.

I don't understand why this game would give me a problem like this. No other game has.

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The only thing that I can think of is that when you change certain settings in ArmAII it takes tasks from the CPU and places them on the GPU and vis versa.

The fact that you have unlocked the cpu could be the reason why the game crashes.

Might help, might not.

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The only thing that I can think of is that when you change certain settings in ArmAII it takes tasks from the CPU and places them on the GPU and vis versa.

The fact that you have unlocked the cpu could be the reason why the game crashes.

Might help, might not.

I hope that isn't it cause that L3 cache helps with gaming a lot. I'll try some things and update this thread..

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It was D3DOverride. If you don't know what that is, it's a little program that forces games to use triple buffering and VSYNC. It's useful for ATI/AMD video cards because their stock drivers are shit. After closing that, it doesn't crash anymore after changing graphics settings.

Edited by M_i_k_e

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