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this is for people with intel cpu's that supports hyperthreading.

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so basically i had whole new pc for xmas i played dayz i was thinking to myself F**KSAKE i knew it would never be smooth i lowered all my settings same performance i went on youtube watch ton of vids tried everything.. nothing i was so pissed about this so i started researching i was watching tut on how to speed up windows 7, i saw in msconfig that i had 4 processors? hmmm, ohh ino hyperthreading.. facepalm i have i3 3220 3.3ghz if anyones wondering, so i disabled hyperthreading and guess what.. i can play dayz no lag what so ever so happy now ino alot of people have problems with performance so i thought id share mine experience.. and the cure ofcourse.

hope this helps.. helped me


mike. :)

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May I ask where you disabled hyperthreading? In BIOS, windows, or arma 2?

I am curious now since my performance is pretty bad with a core i7 and I added hyperthreading startup parameters to arma 2 and it didn't do much. TY.

edit: Also, to the poster above, supporting multiple processors is not the same as supporting hyperthreading, a feature proprietary to solely Intel processors :P If hyperthreading isn't supported it could cause more harm than good being enabled I believe.

Edited by bonesnap

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run, msconfig > Boot tab > Advanced options > Click "Number of processors" and select only the amount of physical cores you have, and hit ok, and apply, then hit the prompt to restart your comp. and you good to go.

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