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Emptied 2 clips at point blank range - he didn't die.

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Hi there.

I was sniping outside electro when suddenly i heard a noise behind me. I turned and shot no-scope and managed to down a dude dressed like a tree with one hell of a big sniper rifle on his back. Thinking he was dead, I ran over to him and could hear his heart beating as he lay motionless on the floor. I rolled my middle mousewheel over him and got options like 'drag body' 'give paracetamol' 'check for pulse'.... But no loot (i was able to look in his bag though).

Wanting this mofo dead, I shot him twice more with my sniper in the head - then got my pistol out and emptied 2 clips into him....

Still he didn't die.

After about 30seconds he simply vanashed (log off?).....I want his gun.

Any idea what happened?

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LOL, you mean "Ghillie suit"?

No, he means a dude dressed as a tree.

888178.jpg vs ki.jpg

Know your foes, Play.

Edited by mzltv
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No, he means a dude dressed as a tree.

888178.jpg vs ki.jpg

Know your foes, Play.

Man, I'm gonna have to report you...I laughed so loud that I think I'm gonna get fired!

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I've had this a few times... butim the one who couldn't die

basically I was shot but on the ground and not totally dead... so I could still talk on direct comms and asked the guy to drag my body and drop it off the building I was on. I still didn't die.

Best part was that my lips still move while talking :)

I did die after a few minutes... happened twice to me but was quite funny due to the direct comms

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Clips? SMH. It's a magazine. Magazines are used to feed weapons, clips are used to feed magazines. What are you, twelve?

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We aren't all gun savvy. To me a magazine is what you read and a clip is what you get at the barbers.

Bullets is all i know.

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2151 post here alone? Surely you've been around the internet long enough to have heard this before.

On a completely different topic, I like the sig a lot. Kind of stupid of the Greek Gov don't you think? They're obviously not lying, what need is there to take it this far? Call them stupid, fine them, and then deport them to their home country. You hear they could get 20 years?

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