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Vehicle Suggestion

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So, I've been playing this mod for a while, and there are definitely somethings that I've noticed that could make vehicles in general, seem a lot smoother, and better.

  1. Animations of the character interacting with the car (ex. steering the wheel, turning the car on, opening the door, getting in the car, etc.)

  2. A radio... Sometimes, when I am driving from one place to the other, it seems very plain, so I'll turn on music from my playlist, but when I get shot at, or I veer off course and crash, I am in a rush to turn off the music, which means Alt Tabbing, pausing the music, and going back into the game. This becomes a major annoyance. So having the ability to turn on and off a car (or even handheld) radio with a hot key would be awesome and entertaining. Players could also be able to import their own music to play over the radio, though that could probably be used profoundly.

  3. The ability to lock your car. (from the outside or inside) 9 times out of 10, I'll go on a giant trip collecting gear and repairing a car, driving that car around filling it with guns or equipment I can't keep on my guy, just for it to be stolen while I am either away or offline. In my opinion, it would make sense to add keys. No car can start without a key, so you obviously need them to drive. You could also take the keys, and have them in your inventory, to trade off, or to make sure no one takes your car. This could bring up a few problems while finding cars, you could find cars that are locked and can't be looted, you could find cars with no keys, or even cars that have a broken lock and can't be locked. This would also bring up a new problem.

  4. (3.5) The ability to steal cars or loot in the cars. Having the ability to lock cars would be a little stupid without a counter to it (especially if it's YOUR stolen gear), so having the ability to break into cars would be a great way to even it out. If you have a melee weapon, you can bash in the window, but this will set off the alarm (if it has one) and the alarm can only be deactivated by the key, or wire cutters (if you catch my drift) but that is only how to get in the car. In order to start the car and drive away, you need to hot wire the car which would be a long (annoying) task indeed.
  5. The last idea on my list is a bit crazy, but would definitely happen if an apocalypse was to come. The ability to attach things to your car. Imagine it, a truck with a plow and metal panels on it's sides and rear with metal bars over the windshield. (Like "Death Race" or the infamous "Battle Bus") This could also help prevent the inevitable, getting killed in your car, you could put metal sheeting on windows with slot in them to see out of.

So, those were ideas that I thought about while playing the game, and yes, I know that the last idea was a bit crazy

If you have anything that you want to change about mine, or have any other ideas that pertain to cars in the game, I

would gladly listen to what you have to say.


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1. ArmA wasn't really designed to appeal to the eye.

2. Don't listen to music...

3. Windows broken...car empty or gone.

4. Windows broken...car empty or gone.

5. Maybe when they create a whole new engine which will probably never happen since the engine is already over 10 yo.

All in all good suggestions but please read about the limitations of the game before asking for them...

Reloading while walking was introduced in ArmA 1 and was the only new thing that came into the game that made sense aside from lasers, flashlights and alternative aiming styles which do not work on every weapon because they didn't ( want to ) upgrade the ArmA 2 models when they released OA.

Imo ArmA 2 and OA should never have been mixed in the first place.

Edited by Enforcer

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In response to "Enforcer":

  1. I know it sounds like it's made for looks, but in reality it will make the whole "taking cars" process a lot longer (and more realistic). In my life, I've never seen someone who teleports into a car, starts it, and takes off within 3 seconds.
  2. Like I explained, I usually get pretty bored when I am driving long distances, or waiting for someone, so listening to music makes it less boring.
  3. (3 and 4): That's the whole point, if your car has broken windows you can't say, "Well, 3rd person it is!" and drive on. Adding this feature will make people pay more attention to that detail.
  4. This feature is already in the game. In the mission editor, you have the option to attach objects to other objects. For a great example, search "ARMA 2 Battle Bus" on YouTube.

I appreciate your criticism, but I know a lot about this game already.

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first one shouldnt be to hard to implement considering it is a feature in the upcoming arma 3 and theoretically they could take some code from that. But really every single point here you are suggesting have been suggested who knows many times before, bascially search the forum before posting :).

Edit: Oh and get some keyboard with media buttons and you dont have to tabdown, simple and easy solution.

Edited by Grodenn

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In response to "Enforcer":

  1. I know it sounds like it's made for looks, but in reality it will make the whole "taking cars" process a lot longer (and more realistic). In my life, I've never seen someone who teleports into a car, starts it, and takes off within 3 seconds.
  2. Like I explained, I usually get pretty bored when I am driving long distances, or waiting for someone, so listening to music makes it less boring.
  3. (3 and 4): That's the whole point, if your car has broken windows you can't say, "Well, 3rd person it is!" and drive on. Adding this feature will make people pay more attention to that detail.
  4. This feature is already in the game. In the mission editor, you have the option to attach objects to other objects. For a great example, search "ARMA 2 Battle Bus" on YouTube.

I appreciate your criticism, but I know a lot about this game already.

Do you know what this game was actually designed for? For training military and non military personel, it's not a FarCry eye candy game for players who are younger than the game engine but i would also wish for better animations, in the end they will be as clunky as everything else plus they would have to remake all vehicles to have actual doors. You might want to ask the miltary, i heard they have installed 10000W sound systems in their combat vehicles because driving from fight to fight bored the crews to death and they started shooting at pedestrians :P ;) . You know how awkward things look when you attach them to objects in Arma, right? ArmA vehicles are not really modular to begin with, and what you call a feature is actually an attach script like when you tow a vehicle ( "attach to").

Edited by Enforcer

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In response to "Grodenn":

Thanks for the feedback. I know it's been told many times over, but I wrote this topic so that I could talk about how I saw it, and not have it be lost in many pages of the same topic.

In response to "Enforcer":

Now, I don't know if you're just messing with me or you just don't understand (no offence). I know what this game is about and why it was made, that's why I bought it a few years back unlike about 1/3 of the population that play this game (maybe more). Going back to what I said previously, the animations wouldn't be there to make the game look pretty, it would be there to make taking of cars a slower process. Referring to the radio, no, the military don't have "10000 watt sound systems" in their vehicles, but last time I checked civilians were allowed to have radios in their cars. Keep in mind that this whole mod is about random people who wake up on the shore, and venture inland into towns were civilians used to live (obviously you make up the story from there). Regarding the option to attach options, objects can look clunky if you use the most simplistic script, but if you get into the more advanced scripting, you can make it look like it was made to be there.

Thanks to both of you for your feedback and criticism.

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Society goes down the shithole but we manage to save our radiostations and keep broadcasting music... ?

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In response to "HKilf":

The music would be CD(s) and makeshift radio transmitters (maybe),some military bases have antennas. It would also be interesting because people could make their own CD(s).

Thank you for your feedback.

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