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[3TOG] Realistic Horror Survival server with RPG Elements.

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I am really interested in playing in on this server! Also very interested in joining [3TOG]. Im really new to DayZ about a week in and would really like to play in this kind of server.

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Hey, we can talk about joining 3TOG a bit later in the day when I get home from exams and have a good bit more time to talk. I am able to send PMs from mobile though, so expect one soon!

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Hey! We are a group of 4 players (all 30+), we were looking for server like yours for a long time.can we join?

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PMs sent. Always great to see people interested!

Again, if anyone needs help installing rMod, send me a PM.

Edited by Larline

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Read through all your posts, you guys sound like an awesome community. Love the devotion to realism, and RPG gameplay. My buddy and I have been looking for a server like this to call home. Would love to join!

Edited by Husker_

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Thanks Husker! Realism and RPGs are both things Airborne and I love, so we try to reflect that with the server. Your buddy's welcome to join with you, expect a PM soon!

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Hmm, ok. I'll bite. I've been trying to get more and more into DayZ, and set myself up on a server. This... seems like my kinda deal. An invite would be appreciated.


Sent me here seems like a cool server, could I join aswell?

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Wonderful people of 3TOG,

I've searched far and wide for the most realistic DayZ server out there, and this one is very promising. That coupled with your rolepaying elements, is what makes this my favorite DayZ server. Just a few things I think to be done to make it a more realistic experience. I'm not trying to tell you guys how to run your server here, just throwin' in my two cents.

1. Make guns and ammo much less common. Civilian guns are much too easy to find. They pop up like candy with default DayZ loot tables. They should be something you really have to search for, as they would be in real life. That being said, military grade arms should be significantly reduced in the loot tables

2. When it comes to vehicles, 100 is a little much. In an apocalypse setting, working vehicles and parts to repair them would be hard to come by. 30-50 maybe? Enough for everyone, but not overly accessible.

3. Canned food and soda.. is everywhere.. Making that less prominent in the loot tables certainly wouldn't hurt. I read in a previous post on this thread "a hunting knife and a water bottle should be the most valuable items in the game" or something like that.. I definitely agree.

4. Edit starting gear. Spawn with only: Flashlight, bandages. Tough, tough, I know. But again, for the realism!

5. I would say keep 3rd person on as an option.. IRL humans have 160 degrees of vision, and with 1st person you only get 90. Also, you have a feel for what's directly around you in the real world, not so much in an FPS.

Keep up the good work!


Edited by AnonSurvivor

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Thanks for the praise Anon, and for the suggestions. Several of those are changes I've been intending to implement in the near future, and now that I'm done with exam week, I should have the time to do so.

High end guns on both the civilian and military scales are planned to be less common, so we won't be seeing as many 1866s and DMRs in the average survivor's hands. I'm still unsure how to handle the lower end weapons, the pistols and double barrels for example. I'd definitely be making the suppressed variants less common, as well as the G17 and M9.

While it may have been a typo I made during initial setup, I've looked at the database and there only seem to be about 50-55 vehicles appropriated by 3TOG. Regarding adding more vehicles, I wasn't planning on putting a large number of MTVRs or anything like that, just more beaten up sedans, more bicycles.

Food and soda we intend to make less common too, it seems like one can just traipse through a supermarket and come out with enough food for a few days. In reality, those would've been some of the first buildings cleaned out, so we'll be making the hunting knife and water bottle a bit more common. Pity there aren't normal plastic waterbottle models that I know of, only the canteens.

Starting loadout may also be changed, to something a bit less generous.

We've been leaning towards keeping 3rd person, and AIrborne made the exact argument you did. With the binocular vision you get in first person (While you can change the FOV, it leads to some pretty bad fish eye effect at high numbers) it's usually hard to evaluate whether you're in cover or not, and 3rd person is a way to compensate for the lack of tactile feedback and proprioception.

Thanks again, and we're glad you like it already!

ETA: AS50s and thermal sights will be soon gone, and M107s will be MUCH more rare than they are now, as well as their ammo. Doesn't much matter if you have one of the best weapons in the game if you only have one round.

Edited by Larline
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That's exactly what I was thinking about supermarkets.. Glad to see you guys are putting a lot of thought into your gaming experience too :) I don't know where I pulled that 100 figure from.. lol. A flashlight and bandages might be a bit too bare bones, but it seems like you should have to search for the map, compass, watch combination.

Regarding the civilian guns: I would reduce the double barrel a little bit, and the Lee and Winchester more. As for sidearms, I agree with making the M9, M9SD, G17, and PDW pretty rare, and perhaps make the Revolver, M1911, and Makarov a bit less common then they currently are.

Edited by AnonSurvivor

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What I'm thinking of a good start would be the watch, bandages, flashlight, and maybe a vest pouch, since if you know, you can navigate with the watch. Open to change though, so never believe me. I agree with the weapon changes suggested, my logic behind the sidearms is to make the high capacity pistols, M9, G17, less common as they're a bit more dangerous than the M1911 and Makarov.

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are there still spots available for a complete newbie to the game? this format sounds interesting.

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everything great so far (exept for some minor bugs). our dirty gang having fun!

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Glad to hear you're enjoying the server. With all the changes I've been making I'm not really surprised a couple of bugs have popped up, but I'll be doing what I can to squash them in the next two days.

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If you're still accepting i'll take a spot. I normally play with two others so if it's as good as it sounds I'll convince them to try it too.

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