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Bal Sofs Tihl

Broken legs mechanic is...broken.

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Unless we are all playing 75 year olds with acute osteoporosis, bones in this game break far too easily. I have never been killed by zombies, but I have died from breaking my legs for no reason many times. More times than I have died from gunshots, even.

I fall 10 feet: broken legs.

I fall 5 feet: broken legs.

I get punched in the back: broken legs.

I run into a door: broken legs.

I crawl into a wall: broken legs.

This mechanic does not function in a manner that I would describe as "working". Personally, I think it should be removed until it is fixed.

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Broken legs do seem to be a bit "broken" right now (I see what you did there). The falling off ladders thing is so hilarious it's insulting :P

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I agree, we need better legs. Most of the problems you listed are due to Arma 2 itself, something DayZ probably wont be able to fix.

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I actually can understand how when you fall from a small height you can break your leg.

I mean come on, no matter how strong you are, or fit, if you land on your ankle wrong BOOM, broken.

And for the most part, when you break a leg, you WILL pass out, either from shock, or some medical shit that I can't explain because I know nothing about. But still.

but the crawling into a wall and breaking it? Yeah THAT I agree needs to be fixed.

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My personal favorite was when I unwisely attempted to shut the door of an outhouse I was in. Broken legs, severe bleeding, bled out right there since I was out of bandages.

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This is just comedy relief. Pack your bags full of morphine and don't forget your Life Alert (help i've fallen and I can't get up) necklace!

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GretSeat has fashioned my opinion in his own words.

I concur that it requires a fix, although it's not one of the most important issues (I'd prefer Zombies to be hammered out and fixed first.)

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I actually can understand how when you fall from a small height you can break your leg.

I mean come on' date=' no matter how strong you are, or fit, if you land on your ankle wrong BOOM, broken.

And for the most part, when you break a leg, you WILL pass out, either from shock, or some medical shit that I can't explain because I know nothing about. But still.

but the crawling into a wall and breaking it? Yeah THAT I agree needs to be fixed.


Ok, well if you can't explain something then that means you are talking out of your ass. I know for a fact that most of the time people don't pass out from breaking a bone. That "shock" is what keeps the person awake, they may not be coherent, but they are definitely awake and able to move.

On to the broken bone breaking (lol?), I agree that it is something that needs to be tweaked. Last time I checked, getting slapped by a decaying, shuffling zombie did not cause my leg bones to break. It really sucks when you get hit once, fall down and now you have to fend off five zombies on the ground and god-forbid you accidentally hit a movement key, then your stuck in the retard HERR-DERR animation of getting up and falling back down.

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it should be removed until it is fixed.

Its so retarded right now

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If 'broken bone' was changed to "INCREDIBLE PAAAIN" sure. I personally don't see the 'broken bones' as always being ones leg. Its just a situation where the character is in so much pain he can't move well. But I like flavor.

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I second that. After playing with a buddy for some hours, a zombie which has been hacked on for about 5 times turned around, slapped me in the face and my leg broke. Thanks DayZ. Similar stuff happened to me when I was prowling alone as well.

This is something that needs a fix similar to this:

- Remove the breaking leg thing entirely until it is fixed.

- Realize the very good suggestion to combine wood with bandages to make a splinter and such create an easier to obtain medication for the broken legs.

- The cases in which broken legs appear still need to be tweaked. I can see that a zombie trampling on my prone ass might break my legs. But I don't see a chance for a rotting carcass to break my legs when I am standing or crouching in front of it. Let the broken legs chance as it is against prone characters and remove the chance of breaking your legs infight for the other two stances completely imo.

ps: just saw that this is my first posting. Hi there, DayZ community!

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I can get hit by any zombie any time, just 1 time, its guaranteed to make me break a leg and bleed. needs to make so when your under x amount of blood then you can break legs/bleed more often, not 99% chance.

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Agreed bones shouldn't break with one hit, it should be after multiple hits or after you're below a certain blood threshold.

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Legs break far too easily. And if you break your leg you're basicly screwed because morphine is SUPER-rare :(

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I always stop by a hospital before I go inland. I stock up on 4 or 5 morphines and move on. Learn to strafe backwards and shoot

And why' date=' please oh sweet mother tell me why. Why for one single motherfucking second do you think that the game should help you clean up the ridiculous mess that is your game play by holding your hand and pointing out in giant red letters who you need to avoid and who you can go charging past like a mutt in heat in search of your next eminent and inevitable demise at the hands of zombies.

If you're going to play the game like a bloody idiot, please don't come knocking on rocket's door asking for help. Take the diaper off, grab your favorite soda, sit down, and try really hard to play DayZ again.

....for the sake of the forums and the future of this game, just shut up and click respawn.


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With how the leg breaking seems broken remove it or at least make morphine a more common loot spawn until you don't break your leg by opening a gate or falling 2 ft.

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SERIOUSLY!!!!!! FUCKING FUCK THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED!!!!! (went were after dying 3 times in a row from broken legs)

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