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Loot tables?

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Restarting this thread since the other one was overrun by fucking morons average, every-day forum-goers.

I've noticed several servers are dropping random loot. Two servers I was on dropped ONLY crowbars, crowbars that did not work when you try to attack with them. These were HIVE SERVERS.

One theory is that the loot tables for these servers were modified. But they're HIVE servers. Official, HIVE SERVERS. From what I understand, you can't modify the loot tables for HIVE servers as it would seriously imbalance the game. (think 'all military loot!' servers.)

So what other theories do we have?

From my vague recollection, the two servers that were dropping only crowbars were US in the 3000 range. I THINK.

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I've been on servers where a disproportionate amount of one item or another dropped; backpacks everywhere, mostly tin cans andvery little real loot, overabundance of compasses, barbed wire or whatever. Also on official hive servers.

No idea what causes it but I've noticed it on empty or near empty servers with no admin presence.

I just chalked it up to a server not being restarted in weeks, being ignored by the admin.

No real idea though mate, I'd like to know an answer to this myself.

Edited by taco241

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Restarting this thread since the other one was overrun by fucking morons average, every-day forum-goers

No, you are not going to start another Topic by insulting people.

Just put it down to badly run servers.

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