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No Loot/Zed Spawns Up North

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Hey, so I've been playing DayZ now for a couple of weeks and i've noticed that as I move farther and farther north, I find that both loot and Zeds stop spawning for me in most areas and towns. Is this normal? A bug? Is there something I can do to stop it? Thanks! :)

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Sounds like a bug. Wherever there's buildings there's loot and zeds. Maybe try another server?

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I know that for loot, there about a 5-10 minute cycle that checks to see if a player is between 30-100m away from a building. Sometimes this causes loot to not spawn on the first go, but usually if you step away for a couple minutes, or check another building in town that's close by, it'll spawn.

As far as Zeds not spawning, don't know. They should start spawning as soon as you're within 200m of a building. Could just be a server side thing, either your ping is high or the server needs to be reset.

Edited by (TMW)HerrJon

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Going up North is popular on the server I play on, and I find myself a lot of times getting Zombies, but no loot. However nothing spawning, that's pretty odd and you should probably notify the admin.

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