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Map Questions

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So what's up with the mapping system, sometimes I can see my location on the map via a blue dot and sometimes I cannot. Is this a specific server setting. Also I know there are ways to interact with the map (ie:..double click, shift left click ect...) is there a website or a thread that shows what you can all do with the map?



Edited by OneNineSe7en

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You need a gps to see the dot, some servers don't need a gps though and some servers have it off, even with a gps.

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You need a gps to see the dot, some servers don't need a gps though and some servers have it off, even with a gps.

Are there servers where even when you do have GPS you DON'T see the blue dot? Or is there a way to enable it once you do have GPS?

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You will know your position using a GPS.

Wether you can see your position/use waypoints / see player id's depends on server difficulty settings.

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Veteran servers have non working gps and regular or recruit servers have it working.

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Most veteran servers and up won't show the blue circle on the map regardless of gear. However, with GPS, you can press ctrl + m to pull up a mini-map you can reference while you're moving, and has a similar circle showing your direction and exact location, however, it only shows immediate area.

There's really no way of telling if they're have it or not until you try, but a good rule of thumb is veteran servers won't have it.

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Thanks guys, now what are all the ways you can interact with tha map, I just found out about double clicking to mark a location and shift + left click to set waypoints, any others that are useful?

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