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Thunder Pig

Looking for or to Start a 2-3 Player Squad

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Hey DayZ Players, I am looking for a small squad to run with on DayZ. I have a few stipulations for anyone interested in joining me.

My Stipulations & Explanations as to Why:

1. Must be 18+ with a maturity level to match. I am 20 and have ran with a younger crowd. No offense to anyone from that generation, but I do not enjoy a constant barrage of information regarding how you just found bandages or that zombies won't leave you alone. These are situations that every player encounters and I do not need to hear about it.

2. Preferably playing anywhere between 12P - 12P US Central Time. I would love to play with people from the UK if you are available, but many times our time difference leads to a lack of play time. I want a squad I can depend on to be on at the same time.

3. Must speak good English, the only reason being is that I do not know any other languages. We need this to communicate well as a team.

4. Must NOT be a Bambi. If you do not know what a Bambi is, then in fact, you are a Bambi. Just FYI, Bambis is a term to describe a player that does not know very much about DayZ/ARMA II, whether that is inexperience in playing the game, or a lack of knowledge about the game. I am looking for people who have experience in the game. You should know which guns make what sound, how to repair a vehicle, how to use a map or even just a compass to find your way, you should know how to shoot at least 1 class of weapons, how to zero a sniper rifle to hit a distant target, and last but not least, you should know how to loot an area and get in-and-out of town within 4-6 minutes (this will depend on the town and situation).

5. You should be willing to be both a Bandit and a Hero. Certain situations call for different actions. For example, I do not want a squad that will shoot a player on site that is unarmed or clearly a non-threat or willing to standby while others do this. However, If one of us needs gear, we must do what we must to survive. You must be willing and able to fill both roles.

And that's it!

To apply copy/paste the following including your information as a comment to this post:

DayZ Player Name:

Steam Username:


Proficient Role (i.e. Sniper, Spotter, AR Specialist, LMG Specialist, etc.):

Communication Preferance (Skype, Team Speak 3, Ventrilo, Mumble):

(I do not have the budget to purchase my own VOIP server. If none are available we will use Skype)

Skype Username:

You can contact me on steam @ Thunder Pig

What is a Thunder Pig you may ask? The "Thunder Pig" was a C-123 Cargo Plane used in Viet Nam! Now you know!


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DayZ Player Name: Richard Dawkins

Steam Username: DrewAStick

Age: 18

Proficient Role: AR Specialist, Driver/Pilot

Communication Preference: Skype or Team Speak

Skype Username: itzMafiaHD

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DayZ Player Name: HB Sami

Steam Username: sami_rocks

Age: 17 1/2

Proficient Role (i.e. Sniper, Spotter, AR Specialist, LMG Specialist, etc. Rifleman,I usually lead the charge, im also very good at planning attacks and making sure they work flawlessly

Communication Preferance: I Prefer skype as its simple and reliable

Skype Username: samirocks321

Edited by samirocks24

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Added you on Steam and Skype. We should be playing tomorrow sometime after 12P US Central.

DayZ Player Name: HB Sami

Steam Username: sami_rocks

Age: 17 1/2

Proficient Role (i.e. Sniper, Spotter, AR Specialist, LMG Specialist, etc. Rifleman,I usually lead the charge, im also very good at planning attacks and making sure they work flawlessly

Communication Preferance: I Prefer skype as its simple and reliable

Skype Username: samirocks321

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DayZ Player Name: zc0der

Steam Username: zc0der

Age: 22

Proficient Role (i.e. Sniper, Spotter, AR Specialist, LMG Specialist, etc.): Sniper, LMG Specialist

Communication Preferance (Skype, Team Speak 3, Ventrilo, Mumble): I am able to use any of these

Skype Username: zoom.coder

The type of play style (i.e. bandits and heros) and size you described is also what I am interested in for a group. My timezone is GMT -7 and I usually play the same hours as you listed.

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DayZ Player Name: Clark

Steam Username: Nimbo566

Age: 17 (I realize that I'm not up to par with your 18, but i can prove maturity)

Proficient Role (i.e. Sniper, Spotter, AR Specialist, LMG Specialist, etc.): AR Specialist

Communication Preferance (Skype, Team Speak 3, Ventrilo, Mumble): Skype, but all else are acceptable for me.

(I do not have the budget to purchase my own VOIP server. If none are available we will use Skype)

Skype Username: Thatfreshbiscuit

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DayZ Player Name: Gimmie Gear

Steam Username: DayZhero1

Age: 22

Proficient Role (i.e. Sniper, Spotter, AR Specialist, LMG Specialist, etc.): Sniper, Spotter, Rifleman

Communication Preferance (Skype, Team Speak 3, Ventrilo, Mumble): Any of the above.. even Raidcall

Skype Username: M3mite i play everyday from 1-6ish East Coast

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