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Anyone else having an inventory bug?

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I just killed a bandit, went to take his items, as soon as I did.. a ghost of his body was standing over him and eventually collapses.

I took one item from him and it wiped my inventory clean...stocked back up...found an M9SD..picked it up..inventory wiped clean.

Anyone else facing this serious issue?

Also, I've noticed if I face a certain direction, there is a waypoint to something.


Ok, now I have no Debug, my third person shows an invisible person, and anytime I picked up a new item, the inventory clears.

I.E. I picked up a map and all my food, water, meds..gone.

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Yes I have had it and many others hopefully the dev team sees this and fixes that in an eventuall hotfix:)

And yes invisibility but I believe it comes from a bad installation of some sort try the loader thing on the page someone said that that and a fresh reinstall of the patch fixes the invisible thing atleast!

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