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dr mailman

Looking for a clan with roleplaying

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Im a week old to dayz but ive played enough that i have a very good grasp of the map and im now looking for a clan to join. Its not a priority but im mostly lookong for a roleplaying clan. im not picky my only dislike is racism and ignorance

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I'm not sure there are many roleplaying clans, people mainly just focus on killing people and finding good loot xD

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Im not really picky if there is a roleplaying clan im down but really im looking for any clan thats a decent size and is organized

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Since you have two threads on this topic (and this is the correct place to look for clans) i will get rid of your other identical thread in the General Discussion area.

Good luck

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Yea i knew i made a double post of a thread but i couldent find where i had posted it.

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Most people don't look for roleplaying but it is a valuable aspect when a game becomes repetitive. I suggest simply trying to roleplay with encountered people. Depending on if you are friendly or hostile could trigger playing along or agression.

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Well we have a server where RP is really encouraged and if you want to come on and play send me a PM and I will be glad to discuss with you :)

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Supremus Conquestum

I'm looking for some players who would be interested in joining our little clan on the map celle. It is a mainly PvP based clan rivalling with another clan which we will be sharing the server with. If you like shooting people in the face then you are more than welcome! We are already helping most people who ask nicely, but kill those who take it upon theirselves to attack us, we WILL engage the enemy clan at all times, unless deemed unnecessary by a higher command.


Cook: Cooks food for the group, carry's lots of food, gets food for the group.

Healer: Carry's lots of medical supplies for the group and heals people.

Negotiator: Goes out and talks to survivors for the group.(TENDS TO DIE A LOT)

Mechanic: Carry's vehicle parts and fixes vehicles for the group.( DOESN'T ME HE DRIVES ALL OF THEM)

Driver: Drives group from place to place.(YOU DONT DRIVE HELIS!)

Sniper: Stays out of towns and covers group from afar.(Pretty boring if you ask me...)

Planner: You help plan missions.


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Im a week old to dayz but ive played enough that i have a very good grasp of the map and im now looking for a clan to join. Its not a priority but im mostly lookong for a roleplaying clan. im not picky my only dislike is racism and ignorance

You can join my team if you want :)

Edited by mrbravo66

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Hi my friend and I have formed a group a week ago. My friend decided that he is going to launch a server.

So we're looking for some more people to become admins in our server which is launching April 6.


1. English (must speak fluent English)

2. Must be 14+

3. Patient

4. Mature

5. Microphone

6. Sociable (unshy)

If you are interested and meet our requirements contact me on:

Steam: gam3rx3

Skype: anthony.abbat38

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