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How this game makes me sad.. :(

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Well, decided to update the game from around July and give it a go. What do I find? First off, I find someones base, second I find tons of car parts all in one area, enough to repair a car, and better yet, a quick base to keep it in not far away.

Third.. oh man.. I find a helicopter crash and my first M107 with 3 mags...

Fourth.. find a CZ 550 in a barn with 2 more mags that I can fit in my new coyote.

Log off to take a quick break.

Log back in.. GUESS WHAT? Everything was not saved. I was in a random spot in the map in a random barn that I've never been to before with no gear.

Log on to another server to check if it was a private hive server. Nope! Server I found the stuff in was a rocket server. Logged back into the same server and lost a ton of stuff...

This ever happen to you guys?

Btw, if it matters, I did the steam efficiency thing before I logged back in.

Edited by Squar

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I am not worried, I know I'll get the stuff again.

The only annoying part is not being able to use the m107 on someone..

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If you're worried about your phat loots in DayZ, you're going to be highly disappointed if you continue playing :P

yes, but being killed legitimately is one thing. Logging out for 3 minutes to grab a coke and come back to have nothing saved is another.

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Almost worth it for the glass bottle cokes.

I don't even feel like playing on the server anymore just in case it happens, and I had a whole base set up almost.

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wait, was the base gone, too?

it may have been the server owner did a rollback due to some sort of hackah attack.

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It has happened to me many times, Logg out to find myself far from where i left off.

I found logging out and back in again fixed this.

It is part and parcel of the game, you'll just have to get used to it or find a "home" server whee you can build a better experience.

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The only thing i can think that could have caused this is if you logged soon after exiting combat and your "combat" (gun) icon was still flashing, that or a bug/rollback.

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Might of been a rollback, I recall someone being disconnected for hacking but he was still on the server.. name was "Punisher" or something.

Anyways, yeah, I've been used to these kinds of things. Alt tabbing for 5 seconds to find you dead when you tab back, walking down the firestation stairs and teleporting 50 feet above the building. breaking your legs on a tree. falling off the ladders, etc..

But that arma 2 engine has pretty graphics huh.

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remember this is still in alpha build meaning it shouldnt even really be being played right now by traditional standards . theres gonna be server bugs and whatnot and i hope the SA has fixed these problems

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Simple stop caring about your gear and vehicles that's a good way to be disappointed. Truth be told I've always had more fun building up then running around with a full loadout.

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Same with me. Got killed by hackers twice in one week. Today, in FR3, a server I play very often on, logged off with some great gear. Logged back and it made me chose what gender. I thought, naa, fr3 went to a private hive.

I logged on to another server and same. I lost all gear and somehow was killed without knowing it. No one else on the server.

Extremely frustrating...

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remember this is still in alpha build meaning it shouldnt even really be being played right now by traditional standards . theres gonna be server bugs and whatnot and i hope the SA has fixed these problems

The "Alpha" phrase in the mod, means literally nothing. They may aswell remove it and say the mod is finished, cause nothing is going to change. Only SA will change

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The "Alpha" phrase in the mod, means literally nothing. They may aswell remove it and say the mod is finished, cause nothing is going to change. Only SA will change

yeah that's crap. the mod is still being developed.

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yeah that's crap. the mod is still being developed.

It's still being developed, but there won't be any big changes in the future. Just because it's not an Alpha, it doesn't mean they have to stop producing patches

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It's still being developed, but there won't be any big changes in the future. Just because it's not an Alpha, it doesn't mean they have to stop producing patches

So "nothing is going to change" is analogous to "there will only be small changes" in your head is it?

There were quite large changes in the most recent patches.

Edited by Dankine

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do you even know what alpha means ? i bet most of the code isnt even finished yet and its been majorly tweaked since the initial release as well

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