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Yes, I know the title says ARMA 2 and not dayz... BUT! It happens on arma 2 and OA, just instead it says "arma 2 OA has stopped responding". This error occurs anywhere between joining a server and 2 hours... I thought it was a Ram issue so i went and bought 12gb of ram, issue still occurs so I'm unsure what the problem is..

12GB CORSAIR vengeance ram 3x(4gb)

Sapphire radeon 8850

The error information:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: AppHangB1

Application Name: arma2.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4ed37db1

Hang Signature: 3ff7

Hang Type: 2048

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 2057

Additional Hang Signature 1: 3ff787699a62153e0ce08850f540111f

Additional Hang Signature 2: dd68

Additional Hang Signature 3: dd682af4c375f74eed3cb6fd4d825e7a

Additional Hang Signature 4: 3ff7

Additional Hang Signature 5: 3ff787699a62153e0ce08850f540111f

Additional Hang Signature 6: dd68

Additional Hang Signature 7: dd682af4c375f74eed3cb6fd4d825

Thanks in advance! (Beans for the person that solved it) Yes! thats right! beans!

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Have you tried running it in administrator mode.

It could also be a program running in the background that could be causing the crash, try running a game booster. To eliminate unessery back ground program's. I use the razer game booster and it has elimInated a lot of problems I was having.

I am sure you have updated your drivers, but thought I would point it out just in case. Also check your bios is upto date.

Last check that you firewall is not interfering

Anyway hope you get it sorted.

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