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EU 40 admin (Dregek) is a cheater!

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At NW of Lopatino' date=' W of the little lake, i found 2 vehicles with tones of tents, and one guy shooting and trying his AS50, i shot him nice and clean, then want to loot him (full stuff) and got shot by another one.

I respawned at kamenka and headed up right to that place, once arrived, 3 guys was blowing up everything (i saw little arma 2 ammo box), and left with there 2 vehicles)

heres a screenshot of the "ammo box"


The one i shot earlier was "Breed" dont know the rest of them.


any relation to the topic?

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Doubt it, it's just some random screen shot of some dude sitting by an ammo box.

Also, "Breed" isn't Dregek ...

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This seems to be becoming common practice with some dishonest admins. I can't say anything about this situation but it's definitely happening. UK9 server did it to me and a few friends. We actually drove over their whole camp and our own after we had cleared them to deny them of resources. 2 minutes after' date=' server goes down, rolls back all the tents. We watched them pull up and start taking items from our old empty and flattened tents.

This was not server crash, this was a clear roll back exploit.


No, when tents are crushed they come up on server resets. Its not a rollback, they are not destroyed.

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Interesting points there fellow Dayz brethren

What in the shit does something that happened in UK9 have to do with UK40?

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This isn't the first report of Dregek cheating' date=' do a quick search and you'll find that it's very common that his server goes down once he's killed and a list of other unsavory admin acts. Here's another group of players claiming the same deeds.



note please how he admits that it wasnt in the end. Please try harder

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Dregek in your other post you say "the server auto reboots during high stress times when its near maxing and it auto reboots every 6hrs"

which contadicts what you previously said about your server restarting at a certain time everyday at around 10:56 or something, which, as i see now, you conviently edited out of your posts.

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i have not edited any of my posts, note it says that you edited it in the top section like you did on the last page, the only post ive editing in this thread was the one with the picture, as it wasnt cropped and was breaking the forum layout.

The server was original set at 12hr reboots when it was first started, i then moved to 6hrs a few days later. The old motd in the server stated the server rebooted at 6hr intervals, 12am, 6am, 12pm & 6pm but I changed the motd some time ago

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I've had run ins with this admin and his lackies before, they banned people calling them faggots but the Day Z admin this infinite wisdom chose to ignore the incident. You can read it all here http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9351 There needs to be a full investigation, they clearly abuse thier admin rights, myself and my friends have witnessed it many times.




Also' date=' in this ^ post you mention: "the server auto reboots during high stress times when its near maxing and it auto reboots every 6hrs"


No smoke without fire, funny how several completely different/unrelated people are calling these guys out these last few weeks.

tbh what ever they are or not doing all this really shows is that the Day Z mods/staff dont give a shit about actually policing the offenders, which most dishonest admins probably realised along time ago :-/

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actually i had intended to reply to your thread noticed how it was locked, I have something called a life it includes a job, fiancée & a 10month old baby to contend with.

To divert off this thread to "reply" to you. Fallout was is a member of the same gaming community as me and we both come from a srs internet spaceship game. We are used to fucking around "in house" like me firing a M136 at base and knocking everyone unconscious from the backblast

We where dicking around on ts and yes maybe i did "abuse" my admin power by temp banning fallout (3hr ban) but he knew about it before i banned him and we where all laughing like crazy on ts after it. Now if the word "faggot offends you.... well actually I dont care.

To answer you when you said I said it multiple times you will note its actually just kicking fallout because he is still banned and the game spits out the reason and the reason i had originally set was.... you guessed it (i hope) faggot

To dissect the rest of your complaint in that thread, Brad was told repeatedly to stop using global. But i didnt say at any point i would reboot the server as thats just more effort than just kicking him as i have done for people who used global as a music audition.

Would you like to know how many people i have personally banned from my server? other than community bans added by tonic. 1... i have banned one person permanently.

As to the server being locked. it was locked when there was a bug with mission loading, the essentially required that one person force the game through to live and it was always unlocked afterwards.

There is 2 people who can reboot the server, as you said it was rebooting every 15mins at one point this was me and the host sorting issues out behind the scene that ended up in a 3hrs convo into the early morning.

"No smoke without fire, funny how several completely different/unrelated people are calling these guys out these last few weeks."

3 separate actually. 1 was closed as they admitted their wrong. 1 is butt hurt i killed him and we stole lots of shit from their camp (noticed how they stopped posting) and you spat the dummy out over a incident between 2 friends and the word faggot

Did I leave anything out?

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actually i had intended to reply to your thread noticed how it was locked' date=' I have something called a life it includes a job, fiancée & a 10month old baby to contend with.

To divert off this thread to "reply" to you. Fallout was is a member of the same gaming community as me and we both come from a srs internet spaceship game. We are used to fucking around "in house" like me firing a M136 at base and knocking everyone unconscious from the backblast

We where dicking around on ts and yes maybe i did "abuse" my admin power by temp banning fallout (3hr ban) but he knew about it before i banned him and we where all laughing like crazy on ts after it. Now if the word "faggot offends you.... well actually I dont care.

To answer you when you said I said it multiple times you will note its actually just kicking fallout because he is still banned and the game spits out the reason and the reason i had originally set was.... you guessed it (i hope) faggot

To dissect the rest of your complaint in that thread, Brad was told repeatedly to stop using global. But i didnt say at any point i would reboot the server as thats just more effort than just kicking him as i have done for people who used global as a music audition.

Would you like to know how many people i have personally banned from my server? other than community bans added by tonic. 1... i have banned one person permanently.

As to the server being locked. it was locked when there was a bug with mission loading, the essentially required that one person force the game through to live and it was always unlocked afterwards.

There is 2 people who can reboot the server, as you said it was rebooting every 15mins at one point this was me and the host sorting issues out behind the scene that ended up in a 3hrs convo into the early morning.

"No smoke without fire, funny how several completely different/unrelated people are calling these guys out these last few weeks."

3 separate actually. 1 was closed as they admitted their wrong. 1 is butt hurt i killed him and we stole lots of shit from their camp (noticed how they stopped posting) and you spat the dummy out over a incident between 2 friends and the word faggot

Did I leave anything out?


All this is worthless without evidence also

"I have something called a life it includes a job, fiancée & a 10month old baby to contend with."

Also calling bullshit on this, PROVE IT. I'll just wait here for Reign19k (or something like that) to come to your rescue! (Is he the fiancee btw?)

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All this is worthless without evidence also

Only relevant thing you've posted, period.

You're a pretty shit troll. I wonder how many of these brand new forum accounts that have posted here are you?

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All this is worthless without evidence also

Only relevant thing you've posted' date=' period.

You're a pretty shit troll. I wonder how many of these brand new forum accounts that have posted here are you?


Do you love Dregek bro? 80% of your posts are defending him and his server :D Now I'm starting to understand why both you seem to loathe "faggots"...something to hide bro?

I have to prove it because? as for what reign and the others do is their business not mine.

Well you and your ilk seem to want evidence provided to back up the claims the OP is making' date=' all I'm asking is that you apply the same rule to yourself and provide evidence for your outlandish claims of having a life, woman and child.


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eu40 is plagued by a constant stream of cheating accusations in game, I spent 2 hours on there earlier and had to leave in the end thanks to the people constantly throwing accusations back and forth about numerous players. why do you guys even have the chat enabled, I thought it was removed in the last patch.

Server admin may do well to remove the chat to improve his server as the small snapshot i got of his server today was not a healthy or friendly environment, more of a cheaters playground or a server populated by 12 year olds.

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EU40 is no longer Dregek's. Dregek's has moved to EU41.

Please take note when using the server list. Chat is disabled on EU41

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EU40 is no longer Dregek's. Dregek's has moved to EU41.

Please take note when using the server list. Chat is disabled on EU41

I find it awfully conveniently that he changes the name of his server every-time complaints are consistently leveled at how he is running it...this is the third time he has changed it to my knowledge, impressive Dregek, truly. Not to mention the fact that literally 100% of his posts are defending claims that something fishy is going on with his server.

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Most large groups with their own servers are cheating this way' date=' deal with it.


Maybe you're right, mate, but the players should know about the cheating admins. And maybe the DayZ team does something about that one day.

Next time I'll use fraps on this. I hate cheaters and Dregek is one of them, that's sure.

Beside this:

The server is online again, but the camp with all the vehicles and tents vanished from the map. lol

You relocated more than 20 tents and 10 vehicles within 15 minutes, while the server was down??? C'mon dude! You re a poor child! Go and watch disney movies if you can't deal with being killed and raided in a game.

If I ever see ya on our servers you can be sure to be banned for lifetime Dregek - that's a promise

Give no chance to the cheaters

seeing as you hate cheaters what server does you/clan host, i would love to take part of a server i know is fair to all!

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eu40 is plagued by a constant stream of cheating accusations in game' date=' I spent 2 hours on there earlier and had to leave in the end thanks to the people constantly throwing accusations back and forth about numerous players. why do you guys even have the chat enabled, I thought it was removed in the last patch.

Server admin may do well to remove the chat to improve his server as the small snapshot i got of his server today was not a healthy or friendly environment, more of a cheaters playground or a server populated by 12 year olds.


Well considering the sniper on top of cherno factory was shooting anything that moved within the town (even behind cover) i was getting a little suspicious. What topped it off was i managed to wound him by getting a few shots at the guy with a winchester, he proceeded to climb down a ladder whilst taking another 8-10 shots without dying. After slotting a fair amount zeds where he was heading i spotted him crouched in the corner wearing a guillie and what appeared to be a dmr in hand blocked off by a fencing kit. I took him down (took 3-4 headshots) and had no death message appear only a "bandit kill"

within those 10-20 seconds of jubilation i was promptly shot in the back by the same person.... go figure.

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EU40 is no longer Dregek's. Dregek's has moved to EU41.

Please take note when using the server list. Chat is disabled on EU41

I find it awfully conveniently that he changes the name of his server every-time complaints are consistently leveled at how he is running it...this is the third time he has changed it to my knowledge' date=' impressive Dregek, truly. Not to mention the fact that literally 100% of his posts are defending claims that something fishy is going on with his server.


Thats because people like you come on spouting bollocks and if you'd paid any attention to the server listing instead of this thread in the last week you'd know the names been changed for a while.

Honestly, get a life,

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seeing as you hate cheaters what server does you/clan host' date=' i would love to take part of a server i know is fair to all!


Unfortunately we don't run a DayZ server (yet?).

Our request at the DayZ-Team is pending. Don't know how long it takes. Guess they've enough hosters for now and a lot of work.

At the time being we just run 2 Domination servers, 1 Vietnam server, 1 General ArmA2OA Mission server, 1 Warfare server, 2 I44-Mod Servers, 1 Domination A.C.E. server, 1 Coop Server and some experimental stuff. Just set your filter to LdW if you want to find us.

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