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EU 40 admin (Dregek) is a cheater!

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I am wondering about "waiting to join server" errors. CAN A SERVER ADMIN CONFIGURE THE SERVER INCORRECTLY SO THE GENERAL PUBLIC CANNOT JOIN BUT ONLY THIS CLAN/BUDDIES CAN? It would be a great way for a clan or server admin to control the game. Only those with the correct combination of version or whatever could enter the game, collect whatever they want unmolested by other players, reset the server so any one could join. They would be the fully decked out in the best while everyone else gets sniped at their leisure.

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Yes you can close the server configuring the firewall to whitelist only certain IP's (hive and the users you want), so you'll end to have an apparently-only open server, while in fact it is "private" (to build your own loot). But it doesn't mean that eventually the devs won't figure it out and ban your server permanently.

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