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Hacker DE 1468

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Friends and me found a hacker, actually the hacker found us:

Server: DE 1468

Name: TheJester

Time: 10-11 AM

Timezone: GMT+1

What happened:

We were on Zub castle, when a hacker teleported to us in the tower. He said that he had scatchel charges on the tower, that he would blow us up when we would try to kill him.

He came up the tower and had an AS50 pointing at me, so i got scared and started shooting my M14 Aim at him. Like 10 rounds in chest + head.

He didnt die.

After that TheJester turned around and shot me with his gun. I was dead in a second.

The hacker asked me to teleport me back to my body.

A mintue later, after I rejoined the server, he teleported me and my friend back to the castle.

We were allowed to take our loot back.

We have a video proof, that he types in the chat, that he can teleport people.

Thank you for reading my post. Sorry for the childish short sentences, im in a bad hurry atm.

Video Link:

Greetings form Germany


ps: hope I wont get punished for picking up my loto again

Edited by =GS=Quobble

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same server another hacker one week later^^ y0NN1 or yONN1 teleported to the location of two friends of mine and myself. killed us directly without any hesitation.

i ve had a character who survived 200 days and was killed by a fucking hacker too on the same server and i saw two other players were killed by thejester too -.- admin non existent and non responsive... there is only vehiclechat, direct chat and group chat. admins arent listening.. i am done with dayz... especially with this fu server..

Edited by looser

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