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DO NOT play on PC Hood - (100296/ (GMT+2) Starting Weapon - Customized Weapons and Vehicles - 200+ Vehicles - 24/7 Day - Donation Perks

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Alright, so, here's what happened.

I just started playing on this server, and I ran into Elektro. Shortly after, in the fire station, a hero with a DMR runs up and shoots me. Fair enough.

Spawn in Kamenka, kill myself. Respawn in Elektro. I tell my friend, who can hear more DMR shots, "I'm gonna look for the guy that killed me and kill him"

I run in, and loot the fire station, finding my body. I then run to the hospital, and see stationary zombies standing around it. I assume there's someone on the roof. I climbed the ladder to check it out. Peeking over in third person, whaddaya know, it's the hero with the DMR that killed me. I wait for a couple seconds, and he turns around, aiming at something (probably another noob). He's off guard. Great. I climbed up fully and unloaded into his head. He dropped down.

When I looted his corpse, well, you can guess so. Everything you can imagine. NVGs, Rangefinder, GPS, Toolbox, (basically full toolbelt), DMR w/ 4 mags, Coyote pack w/ AS50 inside w/ 4 NATO mags. Mountain dew & cooked meat. I studied the body, and found out that his name was "maxi"

My friend came up onto the hospital roof as well. We both looted the body, and all of a sudden...

You have been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Hacker)

So basically, an admin with endgame (and most likely hacked) gear is running around in Elektro killing freshly spawned noobs, and when someone kills him, he bans them for hacking. All on his own server.

If I were you, I would avoid this server.

Edited by killerdude765

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