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How our Group of 6 was Crushed. Be Warned :)

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Alright, let's begin. You guys are gonna love this!

My friends and I had been playing on a Namalsk server for many days without dying. We were getting very confident (so much so that we drove an SUV around while blasting music in the direct chat). Eventually, after doing some banditesque things (we killed a new spawn after he and his group killed two of us. Still, a new spawn. But with a winchester) we decided to do something nice for someone.

The guy was a very polite individual who regularly apologized for keeping us waiting and eventually he approached us via the land bridge (if you don't have Namalsk it's a long and very dangerous passage of land where you can easily be sniped). This was all for a blood transfusion which I would administer to him. We also had an extra backpack (I think it was the British Assault) and a gun and we were feeling very generous.

Now for where it gets really dirty. We're set up on the Old Hospital side of the Land Bridge. The guy we're meeting is running from the opposite side. All of the sudden someone opens fire with an MK-48 on his side (missing every shot which totals, probably, about 50 rounds). We get this guy to our side of the land bridge (which we blockaded the whole thing with tank traps and wire fencing that we had collected).

Then another guy by the name of Lemonheads says he wants a blood transfusion. He drives up to the blockade on the bridge and I give him a blood transfusion. Our sniper, unfortunately, decided he wanted to come down (again, we were overly confident) and after a minute or two the machine gun opened fire...from our side. I immediately got into cover only to discover that I was taking fire from behind. Lemonheads (the guy I gave the blood transfusion to) was working with Keyski (the machine gunner) in order to kill us all.

I'm not going to complain about these people but by the end of the day our loot/losses was:

+One Taxi

+One UAZ

+One new team member (total size is 7 now)

-One M4A1 gl (not the cco scope but the 8x scope) <-- I'll miss this baby I lost the 3 HE gl rounds.

-One MK48

-One Coyote Backpack

-Our excessive confidence

All in all I'm happy we met our new team mate as well as the new UAZ for storage.

By the way, these guys hid our bodies and logged about 5 minutes after taking us out. I'm not really mad at them since it's DayZ, but I would rather be shot on sight than betrayed when I'm trying to help someone. Oh well, hopefully you guys will be more cautious when trying to help people :) Happy surviving! That's my group and I's story.

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Hum. good idea with the land bridge and setting up the road block.

Im gonna have to do that next time. farm some industrial and set that up

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I used to play along side Lemonhead if it is indeed the same one...now my buddies and I hunt him and his side kick. The two of them generally play on UK 11 Machomans private hive on Taviana.

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By the way, these guys hid our bodies and logged about 5 minutes after taking us out. I'm not really mad at them since it's DayZ, but I would rather be shot on sight than betrayed when I'm trying to help someone. Oh well, hopefully you guys will be more cautious when trying to help people :) Happy surviving! That's my group and I's story.

I don't know about you, but I would be a little more pissed off if someone just hid my body and logged after gunning me down. But, your losses weren't absolutely catastrophic from your death, so I guess it wasn't a big deal for you then.

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I would rather be shot on sight than betrayed when I'm trying to help someone.

coming from someone who earlier in your post admitted 'killing a fresh spawn' and indulging in 'banditesque things'.. :huh:

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Thanks for sharing! I'll stick with my group of 3!

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