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New to this. Need a little help.

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its not showing any kick in the logs it comes up as youve just disconnected

Player #0 Desado - GUID: ############################ (unverified)

10:49:02 : Verified GUID (#####################################) of player #0 Desado

10:49:13 : Player #0 Desado disconnected

10:50:00 : RCon admin #0: (Global) Server will Auto restart in 10 min

you dont appear in any other log your guid is not on the ban lists and battleye gives you the ok

hmm that's troubling. Am I supposed to go ahead and click ok before I am kicked? Could be I just need to uninstall and reinstall dayZ and dayz commander? I know Arma 2 and OA are working find I loaded those up before already.

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I hit ok early and it started to actually load up the game. I had a message up that said waiting on Character creation when the kicked message finally came up.

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Ok for the painfully over-looked approach then.

You using a wireless setup? Are you able to see your connection as you join? Does it appear to hangup?

Have you restarted your machine since installing all these items? (the game software itself?)

The reason I'm asking the above is because we've had several members lately since the update, having computer specific issues similar to these that prevent them from playing (hanging up at the waiting on creation while joining screen) while they would have a family member on a entirely different computer, on the same connection - playing without issue.

Edited by FinKone

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Wrong signature file. Arma 2 missions.pbo - helped him out. These types of errors don't get recorded in some server logs. :|

Had him close out and restart computer - since this was a recent install, this could have a negative out come if not done.

Had him go to steam, right click Arma 2, go to properties, click on local files tab, and run a verify integrity of files. Result was 2 corrupted files that where downloaded and replaced.

Had him go into Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead to do the same method. This was most likely unneeded but might as well at this point.

Note that Arma 2 will still work correctly even with this issue, because most the time it gets support from the combined operations folders (Arma 2 OA), but DayZ also uses the mission.pbo file from Arma 2 not just Arma 2 OA.

Upon completion of this - he simply started to play and enjoy DayZ.

Edited by FinKone
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