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So, I am new to DayZ and fairly nooby. Is there anyone here around the same time zone as Ireland that can help? I need somebody to make a server for us. My Steam is daepicpwn. You can invite as many people as you like. Can you put the password as '666' please? If anyone did this for me it would be brilliant. Also, I'm going to make at least 1 YouTube vid on it so you would get a shout-out.

Thanks in advance.

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Errr, it's probably best to find an existing server that you like. It costs money to open a server and takes a lot of effort and time to admin one. Try looking through the "private Hive" section of the forum to find something that suits you or search using DayZCommander.

Edited by Fraggle
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Why dont you just join a low populated server?

I dont think that theres someone willing to create a server just for you, not to be a dick or anything.

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Try kooiman.homeserver.com . Me and my friends are playing there. Low rated server ( 10 - 25 players ), well secured, almost no hacker there ( playing there almost month and only once got killed by hacker, after 20 mins. he was banned ) I really enjoy playing there :)

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Well, as I said, I am new to DayZ. There is no way that I could know that it costs money to make a server. I think I'll join Ragna.

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I was just helping mate. Good luck.

Oh, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the person with the horse pic. Also, I wasn't trying to be rude.

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It costs money to open a server

Well, technically no. As long as you have a powerful enough computer, or especially a spare one, you should be fine hosting a 'homemade' server. Sure, with the general household bandwidth you get, it's not really recommended. But still possible.


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