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Sniper. 900 metres, moving target

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The guy was still running after?

I don't think he hit him.

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its tough to call the distance when we only see a shot whilst looking through the scope.

nice shot though , the blood trail was beautiful - yet i also thought that the as50 would one shot kill if in head/center mass.maybe i'm wrong.

here is my team mate with the m107 :

its totally legit!

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as50 would defnitly one shot on 900m so that shit is just fake/ he didnt hit

Edited by Wolli

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And the second fire station is less than 900m from the hill, it's between 600 and 800m depend of where you stay.

I can confirm that the AS50 kill in one one shot in all part of the body.

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AS50 DOES kill in one shot. But the guy was laggy, glitchy. Sometimes it happens that you shoot someone, and the target stands still despite having killed him. In this case, it didnt stay still, it continued doing the animation he was doing; so he kept running. Though, when this happens, you can clearly see blood, the target bleeds while standing or running. And it cant be too much coincidence that his nickname was shown. I couldnt check the body, but i really think i killed him. Thats my opinion. Hope you enjoy the video

Edited by Ryannn

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as50, no beans

I was on Taviana last week with a cz550... dude was running just where the buildings were rendering and I was on a mountain. Zeroed for 8, aimed way up... like halfway down the thick bar, the bullet landed within inches of this dudes face against the wall he was running by. Perfectly timed shot but 1 or 2 pixels on my screen too far ahead.. I was disappoint :(

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I don't think that guy died to be honest. It seems the round struck the ground, then him. I know first hand - I was called a hacker once for a AS50 round landing JUST short of me, bouncing up, and hitting me. It brought me down to 2000ish health. I do believe your bullet hit him, and it was a nice shot - but I also believe that wasn't him dying on the message screen. The agro of the zombies carried on also which is a strong indicator of a player still up - even if lag is the case.

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I'm pretty sure the dots represent where the shot will land if its a far target, and if you pause the video correctly he lined his head/shoulder right onto the far right small circle which means, its a legit kill o.O

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It takes so much skill to sit outside of Cherno/Elektro with a sniper rifle. You're super good at this game.

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He did. It says "Matthew has died"

Edited by Ryannn

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