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Benderz of Hell

Playing audio files with an audio locked server - How?

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Today I was playing on a server with side channel, and came across a player named XackAttack who had an annoying yet hilarious method of trolling. Through previous attempts of chatting on side channel, my friend and I realized that any VON was blocked. However, XackAttack was able to play some audio files to everyone in the server, as if we had loaded the sound files up to play ourselves.

The way he did this was quite strange, and I'm curious to know if it's possible to do this otherwise or if he was hacking. Xack would simply type in side channel 'Interior Crocodile Alligator' and the song would start playing in side channel. He also typed 'Trololololol' and the trololol song started playing. He claimed to not be hacking, saying it was a feature built into Arma II. At first I just thought it was something like commands in single player to tell troops what to do, or something of the sort, but I'm not quite sure.

Any clarification on this?

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I'm guessing he was cheating but haven't heard of it before, similarly to how cheaters can play video/animations on your screen

If Side Chat was enabled, that usually means VON is also enabled. I don't even know if it's possible to enable sidechat without VON.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I'm guessing he was cheating but haven't heard of it before, similarly to how cheaters can play video/animations on your screen

If Side Chat was enabled, that usually means VON is also enabled. I don't even know if it's possible to enable sidechat without VON.

Just found this old post on my profile. I do still remember the incident clearly, and Sidechat was enabled, but you just couldn't speak on it. Players were chatting via text on Sidechat, but the admin had muted the VON to reduce trolling. I guess the guy (whoever the hell he was) knew how to project those files into VON even with it being blocked and did it to troll the admin. I still think it's hilarious, and I'd love to figure out how he did it.

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