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Jampa (DayZ)

Any one looking to play with a newb?

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just got the game this morning, i keep dying, or getting to scared to play. i just want to go kill some zombies..

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im about to start playing I started a few days ago, not in the starting areas anymore though so lol, got Skype finaly- lt82112

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I Wouldn't mind to play with you ;) IV Had some experience with Dayz. On my own and with a group. Last time I played I had good items like my M4. My PC Broke and I just got my new laptop. I Would love to play with ya. I Will be ready to play later today

Edited by Death5765

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Hi,I'm a complete noob to dayZ and pc gaming but wanna get a good fun bunch of players to play with.havent got teamspeak but my Skype is :smokey010113

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Hey, I'm new to DayZ aswell. I would like to play with some other people to get used to the game.

Add me on Skype - beniepowell

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im downloading now and ive never played i wont be able 2 play till tuesday My skype is oldagegamer see u on the flipside

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Fear not noobs. I have a solution for all of you. You will need a mic and team speak.

BalotaBuddies.net run whitelisted servers all over and have loads of friendly veteran players who would be more than happy to help you all learn how to navigate the cold world of Chernarus while also having a good time.

Go there sign up tell them Mr Nasty sent you and youll be off and running in no time. You can thank me later.

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