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[{F3ARGaming}] Are you in need of a group for DayZ? [Own TS Server][UK/WorldWide]All are Welcome!Recruiting!A Lot More Members.Admins Needed For TS.

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Welcome to F3ARGaming

If your looking for a group to play Day Z with a lot, Then you have come to the right place.We love playing various games such as League Of Legends, Minecraft, Counter Strike, BF3 and Team Fortress 2. However our main game is of course Day Z and Members have spare time to be available for anything. I also have a YouTube channel available to put a lot of content onto if needed or want to. Not bothered about your timezone or whatever things can be arranged to make it easier for everybody. Hopefully this may be able to expand into a good community of players,This should help players of all skill levels in the squad to learn from others about the games including tactics etc, As a team we can help others learn to play the game thus expanding everyone's knowledge, teamwork.

We now have our own TeamSpeak server thanks to donations off members and others.

Hoping to get our own DayZ Server.

Welcome to pop in our TeamSpeak: 929887.ts3.mpgs.co

If anyone has any problems connecting to the server then use this ip instead (same ts just a different way to get in) :

Any questions you want answering, Then don't be afraid to ask either myself or an admin.

Don't Own TeamSpeak?

You Can Download It Here:


Players requirements;

Experience in the game,

Of Any Age,But Of course maturity is essential,

Be serious in what is needed to be done,

Will need to be loyal to the squad,

Members will need Team Speak.

Day Z;


Do not attack your own clan/Teammates,

Never exploit or use hacks of any kind,

Always listen to leaders and respect all members at all times,

If any rules are broken you will be dealt with severely.

In Game;

Players will need to help others if need be,

Vehicles will need to be used appropriately as fuel could be low,

no other player will be fired upon unless told or under threat by others,

Tactics will definitely be used pretty much all the time,

Squad may need certain classes;

Sniper, For cover

Medic, medical supplies

Scout, To gain weapons, go into buildings first,

General items.

The main idea is to have fun while playing and make friends in the process.

Please fill in this application form;



TeamSpeak Name:


Why do you want to join?:

Experience in game:



In game Name:





Edited by mooey53
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name: sean aka steggy33 aka Sector5 Immune


mic ; yes

ex: yes and no

TZ: eastern us

bio: love horror/zombie games very tactical not risky i listen to commands and will never turn on my leaders or commands unless it will risk my life/equipment (if i have alot)

IGN: steggy33 Steam ID: Sector5 Immune

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Name: my name is drewbie072

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: my skype is andrew.pratt072 i have team speak as well as my own teamspeak server

Mic?:i have 2 working mics

Experience in game: iv have a decent amout of experience i am a pretty good shot with a sniper as well. im good wih tactics and being very sneaky

Timezone: na east

Bio: looking for cool team to jus play with have good time

In game Name: drewbie072

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  On 12/27/2012 at 12:17 AM, ktdfatey072 said:

Name: my name is drewbie072

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: my skype is andrew.pratt072 i have team speak as well as my own teamspeak server

Mic?:i have 2 working mics

Experience in game: iv have a decent amout of experience i am a pretty good shot with a sniper as well. im good wih tactics and being very sneaky

Timezone: na east

Bio: looking for cool team to jus play with have good time

In game Name: drewbie072

  On 12/27/2012 at 12:04 AM, Sector5 Immune said:

name: sean aka steggy33 aka Sector5 Immune


mic ; yes

ex: yes and no

TZ: eastern us

bio: love horror/zombie games very tactical not risky i listen to commands and will never turn on my leaders or commands unless it will risk my life/equipment (if i have alot)

IGN: steggy33 Steam ID: Sector5 Immune

Alright your both in,

I'll Pm you both now. Be online tomorrow to discuss things in further detail.





Edited by mooey53

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Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:dane_hill


Experience in game:limited


Bio: Always be a hero.

In game Name:Castiel

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  On 12/27/2012 at 12:40 PM, IMrHollyWoodI said:



Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:dane_hill


Experience in game:limited


Bio: Always be a hero.

In game Name:Castiel

Awesome, Will be glad to have you in the squad.

I'll Pm you now.





Edited by mooey53

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Name: Tormod

Age: 14

TeamSpeak: Dexoze

Mic?: yes

Experience in game: I have played Dayz since june and know about almost everything there is to know

Timezone: GMT+1

Bio: I will only shoot if they are a threat to me or my teammates

In game Name: dexoze

Last words: I am not a littel cry baby. I know I dont have the required age and I dont blame you if I cant join.

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Name: Hopeaomena

Age: 20

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: digitalzaka

Mic?: Yes (SS siberia v2 headset)

Experience in game: 6 months of dayz, Arma2 a little longer

Timezone: GMT +2

Bio: Teamwork is much better than soloing

In game Name: Hopeaomena

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  On 12/27/2012 at 3:43 PM, Hopeaomena said:

Name: Hopeaomena

Age: 20

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: digitalzaka

Mic?: Yes (SS siberia v2 headset)

Experience in game: 6 months of dayz, Arma2 a little longer

Timezone: GMT +2

Bio: Teamwork is much better than soloing

In game Name: Hopeaomena

  On 12/27/2012 at 2:46 PM, dexoze said:

Name: Tormod

Age: 14

TeamSpeak: Dexoze

Mic?: yes

Experience in game: I have played Dayz since june and know about almost everything there is to know

Timezone: GMT+1

Bio: I will only shoot if they are a threat to me or my teammates

In game Name: dexoze

Last words: I am not a littel cry baby.I know I dont have the required age and I dont blame you if I cant join.

Pm you both now,





Edited by mooey53

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Name: Jay

Age: 17

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype JayLock-

Mic?: yes

Experience in game: About a month

Timezone: GMT/UTC -7

Bio: I am overall good player very stealthy can provide great support great scout/sniper and pretty much everything in between

In game Name: Grimlock

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  On 12/27/2012 at 7:26 PM, Grimlock said:

Name: Jay

Age: 17

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype JayLock-

Mic?: yes

Experience in game: About a month

Timezone: GMT/UTC -7

Bio: I am overall good player very stealthy can provide great support great scout/sniper and pretty much everything in between

In game Name: Grimlock


Thanks for your application,

Your welcome to join, however we are now using Team Speak





Edited by mooey53

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Name: Jamie

Age: 18

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype: gaynesscatsandsuch TeamSpeak: B.Berri

Mic?: yes

Experience in game: Around 7 months of Chernarus action

Timezone: UTC+10

Bio: Navigation is my middle name. Scouting is my last.

In game Name: Hugo B. Berri

Edited by Hugo B. Berri

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Name: Jon

Age: 24

Skype/Teamspeak: Dont have skype, but can get it. Teamspeak name Ridge.

Mic: Yep

Experience: Been playing about 6/7 months now, all solo. Know most of the game.

Timezone: GMT

Bio: Been playing for quite a while, its getting a little dull always being alone, looking for some descent people to play and have a laugh with.

In game name: Ridge

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Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:darkvoltroxz


Experience in game: Alot , I've been playing pretty much since public release

Timezone: GMT

Bio: I've played with 2 squads before , but they quit playing so I'm all left alone. I'm more of a sneaky type and I'm friendly, unless under threat. I play more the scout type or the "take-the-point guy".

In game Name: Flavs

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  On 12/28/2012 at 12:34 PM, Hugo B. Berri said:

Name: Jamie

Age: 18

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype: gaynesscatsandsuch TeamSpeak: B.Berri

Mic?: yes

Experience in game: Around 7 months of Chernarus action

Timezone: UTC+10

Bio: Navigation is my middle name. Scouting is my last.

In game Name: Hugo B. Berri

  On 12/28/2012 at 12:50 PM, Ridge6288 said:

Name: Jon

Age: 24

Skype/Teamspeak: Dont have skype, but can get it. Teamspeak name Ridge.

Mic: Yep

Experience: Been playing about 6/7 months now, all solo. Know most of the game.

Timezone: GMT

Bio: Been playing for quite a while, its getting a little dull always being alone, looking for some descent people to play and have a laugh with.

In game name: Ridge

  On 12/28/2012 at 1:08 PM, Darkvoltrox said:



Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:darkvoltroxz


Experience in game: Alot , I've been playing pretty much since public release

Timezone: GMT

Bio: I've played with 2 squads before , but they quit playing so I'm all left alone. I'm more of a sneaky type and I'm friendly, unless under threat. I play more the scout type or the "take-the-point guy".

In game Name: Flavs


Thanks for your applications.

Will Pm you all now.





Edited by mooey53

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Name: Logan

Age: 16

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Have Skype (PM if you need it), Teamspeak is usually Valentine

Mic?: Of course

Experience in game: Playing since release, was medic for the now "infamous" clan Legion

Timezone: EST US

Bio: Loyal to my allies and friendly, however i do have a shoot on sight policy for any unidentified's.

In game Name: Valentine

Last Word: I'm pretty accurate with most any weapon, prefer combat rifles and snipers. I always carry backups of all medical supplies, and backups of those backups.

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  On 12/28/2012 at 2:17 PM, Valentine said:

Name: Logan

Age: 16

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Have Skype (PM if you need it), Teamspeak is usually Valentine

Mic?: Of course

Experience in game: Playing since release, was medic for the now "infamous" clan Legion

Timezone: EST US

Bio: Loyal to my allies and friendly, however i do have a shoot on sight policy for any unidentified's.

In game Name: Valentine

Last Word: I'm pretty accurate with most any weapon, prefer combat rifles and snipers. I always carry backups of all medical supplies, and backups of those backups.

Will Pm you now.

Edited by mooey53

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Name: Jeffery

Age: 16

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: On teamspeak I use Jeffery, I don't really like Skype, the program pisses me off.

Mic?: Yup

Experience in game: I am very new to the game, I have basic controls down... its just experience I need now, and I'm hoping this group will help me learn the game.

Timezone: US East

Bio: I love looting in towns/ Spotting players.

In game Name: Jeffery

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Age: 20

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype is farcraftventure


Experience in game: Played since it first came out. Played Arma for a year

Timezone: GMT +2

Bio:I am a gamer. I play a lot and I love Dayz ^^

In game Name: [ENF]DJ Septimus

Edited by DJ Septimus

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  On 12/28/2012 at 4:20 PM, Experiment47 said:

Name: Jeffery

Age: 16

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: On teamspeak I use Jeffery, I don't really like Skype, the program pisses me off.

Mic?: Yup

Experience in game: I am very new to the game, I have basic controls down... its just experience I need now, and I'm hoping this group will help me learn the game.

Timezone: US East

Bio: I love looting in towns/ Spotting players.

In game Name: Jeffery

  On 12/28/2012 at 4:27 PM, DJ Septimus said:

Age: 20

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype is farcraftventure


Experience in game: Played since it first came out. Played Arma for a year

Timezone: GMT +2

Bio:I am a gamer. I play a lot and I love Dayz ^^

In game Name: [ENF]DJ Septimus


I'll Pm you both now





Edited by mooey53

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