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I'm with OP on this one, the people that are whining like little maggots are probably the ones to blame for how dumbed down gaming has become. They expect to have their hands held and for someone to hold their dicks whilst they piss....

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I wish I had a cent for every pro-con 1.7.1 thread popping up. Pretty soon I could encase all the people I can't stand in solid gold for my amusement.

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Critics help the game, and complainers help despite them being annoying.

Fanboys do nothing to help the game, and impede progress.

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Disgraced from reading some of your posts in here you are no better then those people who you are telling to leave. I'd say you should be really happy about being such an enlightend person and keep and don't tell others to leave, because you think so.

Discussion like this one can find in every game related forums and the more emotional they are the more people like the game they are raging about at least that is my experience in almost 20 years of gaming.

Maybe the way might not be that appropriate in some threads, but what I see here around rude language isn't that uncommon on either side, so just take it as the "forum culture" here.

So there is a lot of discussion going on about this is alpha and testing and so forth. Yes it is, but what you and a lot of others don't seem to consider is that not only the devs are investing time and passion into this, also the players investing a lot of time, emotions and what not into this game. And it doesn't really matter in what stage the game is or if it is free or not, if you are investing a lot into it, it can be very unpleasant if changes are implemented which are going to make your investment into this game obsolete. So the more you invest into a game the more you have to lose, which makes the reaction either good or bad to changes more drastic. So, if you create a game with some really emotional catching content you better be ready to bear with some pretty emotional reactions.

So I would ask you also to leave, because you can't take the heat. Would you please?

And on a side note this is not a anti-game or something a like. It is working like any other game: task->solve->reward. You have just to put more effort into it. An"anti-game" whatever that should be, wouldn't give you a reward at all.

And at last: L2P as an argument is lame and it will be for all times.

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And you sir' date=' if you dont understand a single thing about a patch and its testing phase, please leave. a patch should be tested before its brought out, even on an alpha test, let me guess, this is your first because its free? I guarentee you if the dev/s testing this patch out on a lone server on there own it would not have been rolled out.


Btw, it was tested before it got released... :rolleyes:

dafuq why was it released then? knowing it would cause so much agro from people?

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Lovely forum this is. A giant circle jerk. And dare we speak out, my god..

I only joined today to post some ideas about the mod. But what a nasty community :[. And to make it worse, you're so vocal, leading rocket down some wayward path :[. Why don't you leave? (op).

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Lovely forum this is. A giant circle jerk. And dare we speak out' date=' my god..

I only joined today to post some ideas about the mod. But what a nasty community :[. And to make it worse, you're so vocal, leading rocket down some wayward path :[. Why don't you leave? (op).


agreed, i only joined yesterday :/

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Lovely forum this is. A giant circle jerk. And dare we speak out' date=' my god..

I only joined today to post some ideas about the mod. But what a nasty community :[. And to make it worse, you're so vocal, leading rocket down some wayward path :[. Why don't you leave? (op).



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Lovely forum this is. A giant circle jerk. And dare we speak out' date=' my god..

I only joined today to post some ideas about the mod. But what a nasty community :[. And to make it worse, you're so vocal, leading rocket down some wayward path :[. Why don't you leave? (op).




The end is coming.

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People are allowed to have dissenting opinions on the changes of this mod. "It's in alpha" is a shitty excuse because the players are doing what they are supposed to do, discussing changes and whether they were good ones or not. Telling them to get out because they don't like these changes is just stupid and turns this into an echo chamber and ruins the whole point of this forum. This shouldn't just be a circle jerk about rocket and DayZ, it should be a discussion of the game, positives and negatives. If someone dislikes a change let them voice their opinion for god's sake.

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And on a side note this is not a anti-game or something a like. It is working like any other game: task->solve->reward. You have just to put more effort into it. An"anti-game" whatever that should be' date=' wouldn't give you a reward at all.


Hi, you must be new here.

"I didn't want any sense of balance at all, I wanted it to be an anti-game."

-Dean "Rocket" Hall

link here

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Disgraced from reading some of your posts in here you are no better then those people who you are telling to leave. I'd say you should be really happy about being such an enlightend person and keep and don't tell others to leave' date=' because you think so.

Discussion like this one can find in every game related forums and the more emotional they are the more people like the game they are raging about at least that is my experience in almost 20 years of gaming.

Maybe the way might not be that appropriate in some threads, but what I see here around rude language isn't that uncommon on either side, so just take it as the "forum culture" here.

So there is a lot of discussion going on about this is alpha and testing and so forth. Yes it is, but what you and a lot of others don't seem to consider is that not only the devs are investing time and passion into this, also the players investing a lot of time, emotions and what not into this game. And it doesn't really matter in what stage the game is or if it is free or not, if you are investing a lot into it, it can be very unpleasant if changes are implemented which are going to make your investment into this game obsolete. So the more you invest into a game the more you have to lose, which makes the reaction either good or bad to changes more drastic. So, if you create a game with some really emotional catching content you better be ready to bear with some pretty emotional reactions.

So I would ask you also to leave, because you can't take the heat. Would you please?

And on a side note this is not a anti-game or something a like. It is working like any other game: task->solve->reward. You have just to put more effort into it. An"anti-game" whatever that should be, wouldn't give you a reward at all.

And at last: L2P as an argument is lame and it will be for all times.


You silver tongued devil, you talked me into it.

I was criticizing the asshole way that people were insulting the devs, not feedback or discourse in either direction.


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And on a side note this is not a anti-game or something a like. It is working like any other game: task->solve->reward. You have just to put more effort into it. An"anti-game" whatever that should be' date=' wouldn't give you a reward at all.


Hi, you must be new here.

"I didn't want any sense of balance at all, I wanted it to be an anti-game."

-Dean "Rocket" Hall

link here

Why did he get pissed off about the nuking then? That's pretty anti-game and balance ruining so it should fit right in. While we're at it, let's make it a true anti-game without any balance and make everything one hit kill, no matter what, and nobody can run more than 30 meters without having to sleep otherwise they get internal bleeding and die. Sleeping attracts zombies though so watch out!

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Spent £25 to play a mod of a game that has developed a lot of hype. Enjoyed it immensely up until this last patch where the game has took a down hill turn for the sake of the already well geared 'hardcore elite' player base.

It's called FEEDBACK.

Telling the devs that you have a problem is fine, that's what's needed. Telling them that they're retarded and are fucking up the mod that is theirs is no help at all. There is a difference between giving feedback, and acting like a self-entitled douche bag.

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Why did he get pissed off about the nuking then? That's pretty anti-game and balance ruining so it should fit right in. While we're at it' date=' let's make it a true anti-game without any balance and make everything one hit kill, no matter what, and nobody can run more than 30 meters without having to sleep otherwise they get internal bleeding and die. Sleeping attracts zombies though so watch out!



Nice strawman argument with a touch of sarcasm at the end. Eloquent.

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People are allowed to have dissenting opinions on the changes of this mod. "It's in alpha" is a shitty excuse because the players are doing what they are supposed to do' date=' discussing changes and whether they were good ones or not. Telling them to get out because they don't like these changes is just stupid and turns this into an echo chamber and ruins the whole point of this forum. This shouldn't just be a circle jerk about rocket and DayZ, it should be a discussion of the game, positives and negatives. If someone dislikes a change let them voice their opinion for god's sake.



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And on a side note this is not a anti-game or something a like. It is working like any other game: task->solve->reward. You have just to put more effort into it. An"anti-game" whatever that should be' date=' wouldn't give you a reward at all.


Hi, you must be new here.

"I didn't want any sense of balance at all, I wanted it to be an anti-game."

-Dean "Rocket" Hall

link here

Honestly I don't know what to say. Firstly, if there is such a thing as an anti-game, this definitely isn't it. It conforms to all kinds of established gaming norms. And as people have said already, operates on an action>reward basis. It's a game game.. And ofc it's ultimately up to the dev to decide how this goes. But it's kind of up to us, the players, to tell them what we think, and what we want!. Because sometimes something takes on a life of it's own :].

Edit, just to add after reading that. he talks about "But I also wanted them to feel a tension from the environment, from the weather, from the land. ". And that's amazing!. but you know, making everything pitch black, and rendering the average player unable to venture into towns and cities, doesn't seem like part of the plan.

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It's a game game.. And ofc it's ultimately up to the dev to decide how this goes. But it's kind of up to us' date=' the players, to tell them what we think, and what we want!. Because sometimes something takes on a life of it's own :'].

It's not a game, its a sim

I am sure Rocket is considering the constructive feedback,

but he still won't give in to the utter ammount of nonsense in there.

thats why this mod ROCKS, and it will stay this way.

most of the feedback is not taking the spirit of this mod into

consideration, its all about "I WANT EPIC PEWPEW"

I just read about the 1.7.1. change and i approve. not because i like the change (i would, with some adjustments). i just like the way rocket continues to build this HIS way, not the way your average fps kiddie would like to have it.

if rocket would give in to the carebear stuff, YES - more people will come and play, dayz will get more famous and might even become the most sold sim ever, who knows? but it won't be dayz, it will be your average fps shooter with zombies on a large map, $$$ signs appearing wherever they removed a part of its former soul.

i don't think so, carebears, you know where the door is. raging carebears even moreso.

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I understand youre frustration but alot of the players here are actually young... Alo of codkids and likes:) Im 21 though and I understand your frustration in this relative young forum! But Maybe if we older gamers... (Im old when it comes to the game industry) and there still walking relics out there who came before the internet or something playing this lol... If gamers who are serious on the great task of improving this mod and helping it further I would suggest we do so and go out and tell the people in a constructive manner how to vent their frustration or anger or whatnot into constructive criticism, there might still be a Cod kid or 2 whom might suprise you... Youll never know if you dont listen and give them a chance;)

For the real douchees out there I think the kind moderators here will sort them out!:P

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If you think that this idiot has done nothing but contribute to the problem, please stay and complain about it here just to show him what acting like this does to people.

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This is a great way to build a community.

Post feedback about recent changes to a game you enjoy' date=' be told to leave.


Alot of people aren't posting feedback they are saying "fix this shit or I leave." Besides being vague as all hell this does not help any real issues get fixed and is just asinine behavior.

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I agree with the OP 100% enough carebear whiny ass bs going on in here today to choke rainbow bright...

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