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rocket you need to get your shit together and try your patches before pushing them

Did anyone inform Shadow that this is Alpha and we are technically the ones testing this game?

Just saying.

Explain to me why that's a reason to not voice dissent about features we don't like in a game? Isn't the point of testing something to tell the person making the product the things we enjoy and the things we don't like?

If we all become yes-men like the disproportionately vocal individuals shouting down every negative thread, the game should just release as is, because it would no longer be a test. Point being, the objective of a test is to get responses; telling him that we are unsatisfied with the current patch is what will make the game better. If people actually follow the "leave if you don't it" policy, it might as well become a single player game. That's not the solution.

Alpha is a valid response to server statuses, patch delays, technical difficulties, etc. but not implemented game features. Testing is exactly the reason alpha exists; it'd be pointless without both positive and negative responses.

Though I will concede that there's a good portion of rage posters who are as bad as the yes-men, screaming without any reasoning.

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rocket you need to get your shit together and try your patches before pushing them

Did anyone inform Shadow that this is Alpha and we are technically the ones testing this game?

Just saying.

Explain to me why that's a reason to not voice dissent about features we don't like in a game? Isn't the point of testing something to tell the person making the product the things we enjoy and the things we don't like?

Shadow has stated the game being in Alpha does not mean shit and that the mod should be fun and a triple AAA experience before the final vision Rocket has in mind is completed. You can not judge a entire game/mod in Alpha. And Rocket should not be blamed for wanting to test a feature out. Sure there are some bugs with the latest update. Those will be flushed out. The features added can be discussed in the sticky thread where everyone else is.

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Try "Hey Rocket. There seems to be a horrible issue with the super fast spawn rate of zombies. After killing 3 of them at deer stand' date=' I had 5 more spawn and then keep spawning until I ran for my life with 45 zombie chasing me."


People tried that. "Hey guys I was walking down some stairs and decided to hop down the last 3 by walking off the side of the staircase, and whaddya know it broke my legs."

Then you get fanboys talking about hyper-realism and how it's working as intended. Just straight up morons. Sucking dick and fondling balls is the only way to describe it.

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Then you get fanboys talking about hyper-realism and how it's working as intended. Just straight up morons. Sucking dick and fondling balls is the only way to describe it.

Please, go on, I'm partially engorged.

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Try "Hey Rocket. There seems to be a horrible issue with the super fast spawn rate of zombies. After killing 3 of them at deer stand' date=' I had 5 more spawn and then keep spawning until I ran for my life with 45 zombie chasing me."


People tried that. "Hey guys I was walking down some stairs and decided to hop down the last 3 by walking off the side of the staircase, and whaddya know it broke my legs."

Then you get fanboys talking about hyper-realism and how it's working as intended. Just straight up morons. Sucking dick and fondling balls is the only way to describe it.

And who cares? The fanboys aren't rocket The only rocket is rocket.

Trust me, he reads stuff that doesn't insult him for doing what a developer is suppose to do in Alpha.

If Shadow would just go to the 1.7.1 discussion thread and speak his mind without insulting rocket I am sure rocket would have a greater reaction than reading the OP. Who gives a fuck what anyone else says.

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rocket you need to get your shit together and try your patches before pushing them

Did anyone inform Shadow that this is Alpha and we are technically the ones testing this game?

Just saying.

Explain to me why that's a reason to not voice dissent about features we don't like in a game? Isn't the point of testing something to tell the person making the product the things we enjoy and the things we don't like?

If we all become yes-men like the disproportionately vocal individuals shouting down every negative thread' date=' the game should just release as is, because it would no longer be a test. Point being, the objective of a test is to get responses; telling him that we are unsatisfied with the current patch is what will make the game better. If people actually follow the "leave if you don't it" policy, it might as well become a single player game. That's not the solution.

Alpha is a valid response to server statuses, patch delays, technical difficulties, etc. but not implemented game features. Testing is exactly the reason alpha exists; it'd be pointless without both positive and negative responses.

Though I will concede that there's a good portion of rage posters who are as bad as the yes-men, screaming without any reasoning.


I never said it was 'Yes-men' status. The feedback here isn't negative, its inflammatory because a man is pissed off about the games change in status when you could even say the game isn't to their specification because they got used to it in Alpha.

Now if he said something along the lines of "This game no longer lets me sneak as well. I am having difficulty doing things I could normally do like crawl from building and zombies come!'

That is MUCH more constructive and accurate feedback. Even if its negative.

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And who cares? The fanboys aren't rocket The only rocket is rocket.

Trust me' date=' he reads stuff that doesn't insult him for doing what a developer is suppose to do in Alpha.

If Shadow would just go to the 1.7.1 discussion thread and speak his mind without insulting rocket I am sure rocket would have a greater reaction than reading the OP. Who gives a fuck what anyone else says.


Believe it or not, when some one is surrounded by yes men, they make stupid decisions.

It's clear to me that rocket has no idea why his mod is successful. Let's hope he figures it out before breaking his game and losing out to a future game run by some one who does.

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The sneak awareness was good in 1.7 I thought.

Sneaking past infected is supposed to be relatively easy I feel.

The important thing for me, is that when you shoot a weapon, the hoard attacks.

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In the movies, the general zombie affect seems to be near complete lack of awareness, slow movement, and poor senses. I think that should be the way of this... especially since you cant axe your way through them, or blockade yourself inside a house. make them dumb, nearly blind, and partially deaf... but aggro like crazy when molested

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In the movies' date=' the general zombie affect seems to be near complete lack of awareness, slow movement, and poor senses.[/quote']

Go watch the movies '28 days/weeks later'. Remember these people are infected, they're not the living dead. The infection might give them increased strength and senses. I sure as fuck wouldn't want to try unarmed combat with the zombies in those two movies. Even an axe would be hard to use when they move so fast and don't feel the pain or fear death.

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The sneak awareness was good in 1.7 I thought.

Sneaking past infected is supposed to be relatively easy I feel.

The important thing for me' date=' is that when you shoot a weapon, the hoard attacks.


So this quote pretty much sums up how i feel about this game/patch or atleast how it should be. I started playin 1.7 and i was hooked as soon as i watched a youtube video. great concept and very open ended allowing the dev to do lots with it.

With that said, i cannot complete the train of thought that lead the dev to decide to further improve the challenge this game has to offer. Im pretty ignorant in this regard so can anyone update me as to how much of a demand their was to make this game harder, like spawning with jack shit and giving the zombies spidey like senes. Whenever a dev makes a change i always ask myself, why did he make that change? I cant understand in this case, were there really hoards of people asking for this kind of a change?

as it stands now this game is definitely a challenge, but for all you people screaming your typical forum meme "i have nothing else to contribute but empty letters" crap that we are all care bears.. there is a difference between a challenge and something that seems like its just their to be seemingly possible but realistically you just get frustrated as fuck because its ridiculously hard, to the point it is not FUN. Challenges make shit fun for sure, if they are surmountable and offer a reward.

Lotta good changes in this patch, but as it stands now, servers are hellaaaa buggy and this patch made me and 2 other friends stop playing because its just not fun aggroing zombies that are super far away, behind two different buildings.

WITH THAT SAID.. why the fuck can i not kill a zombie via a knife??? people talk about realism where the fuck are silent kills with my knife?

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I've had ZERO problems when crouching or crawling getting around ZEDs.

* Don't be dumb and think you can move close to them

* Use any and ALL cover around you

* Plan your way into and out of areas

I've actually come to enjoy DayZ now 100 folds compared to previous version of the mod so far. You really need to think things out instead of just going in and scavenging cites/towns. If anything this latest patch has taken a step into the right direction. Watch any Zombie movie/show, they tend to be able to sense humans from a pretty far distance (ie: The Mall in Dawn of the Dead)

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The sneak awareness was good in 1.7 I thought.

Sneaking past infected is supposed to be relatively easy I feel.

The important thing for me' date=' is that when you shoot a weapon, the hoard attacks.


So this quote pretty much sums up how i feel about this game/patch or atleast how it should be. I started playin 1.7 and i was hooked as soon as i watched a youtube video. great concept and very open ended allowing the dev to do lots with it.

With that said, i cannot complete the train of thought that lead the dev to decide to further improve the challenge this game has to offer. Im pretty ignorant in this regard so can anyone update me as to how much of a demand their was to make this game harder, like spawning with jack shit and giving the zombies spidey like senes. Whenever a dev makes a change i always ask myself, why did he make that change? I cant understand in this case, were there really hoards of people asking for this kind of a change?

as it stands now this game is definitely a challenge, but for all you people screaming your typical forum meme "i have nothing else to contribute but empty letters" crap that we are all care bears.. there is a difference between a challenge and something that seems like its just their to be seemingly possible but realistically you just get frustrated as fuck because its ridiculously hard, to the point it is not FUN. Challenges make shit fun for sure, if they are surmountable and offer a reward.

Lotta good changes in this patch, but as it stands now, servers are hellaaaa buggy and this patch made me and 2 other friends stop playing because its just not fun aggroing zombies that are super far away, behind two different buildings.

WITH THAT SAID.. why the fuck can i not kill a zombie via a knife??? people talk about realism where the fuck are silent kills with my knife?

-The guy making this mod has stated that he means it to be an anti-game. Frustrating the player is the goal, there isn't supposed to be any balance.

-There are some bugs in the latest patch which is to be expected in an Alpha, the zeds were supposed to not be able to see thru walls, so that is not intentional. If you can't handle their extreme eyesight, wait for the hotfix before you login again.

-It's been said that melee isn't already in the game, so adding it isn't as simple as pushing a button. Maybe down the road it'll be added, but then there will be a debate about how zombies can take 9mm rounds to the chest and keep coming, yet a hunting knife is supposed to work? And not get you bitten in the process?

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It's part of a design to make the zombies more dangerous, since this is a ZOMBie survival game after all.

So you crouch where you used to walk, and crawl where you used to crouch. No big deal. I think Rocket is wary of his game becoming ArmaII:Deathmatch.

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In the movies' date=' the general zombie affect seems to be near complete lack of awareness, slow movement, and poor senses. I think that should be the way of this... especially since you cant axe your way through them, or blockade yourself inside a house. make them dumb, nearly blind, and partially deaf... but aggro like crazy when molested


Purely depends on the movies you are talking about.

* Romero Zombies (The GODFATHER of Zombies), are slow moving walking corpses, without heightened senses or abilities.

* Snyder Zombies (Dawn of the Dead 2004 remake), move incredibly fast/at human speeds still.

* Boyle "Zombies" (28 Days Later; well they are technically Infected not Zombies), have heightened Strength, Speed, and Senses.

* Kirkman Zombies (The Walking Dead), are blind (for the most part), slow to average speed, and mainly rely on smell and sound.

It basically comes down to he author of said Zombies/Infected to how they act/respond/move. I've read enough books, shot stories, seen enough movies, tv shows, and mini series, that I can tell you that there are a million different "type" of Zombies out there (Everything from the basic Romero Zombie all the way upto Climbing Walls, Defying Gravity, Superhuman Strength, and YES even flying)

In the case of DayZ, Rocket is the author and has decided how his Zombies/Infected react. I've actually become a big fan of these Zombies/Infected and all it takes is a little skill now that you can LoS them and lose them. Heck I had a small hoard of a dozen or so chasing me this afternoon. Ducked into a house, layed on the floor for a few minutes. Went into 3rd Person mode and watched them all slowly walk away. Then continued about my business.

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The sneak awareness was good in 1.7 I thought.

Sneaking past infected is supposed to be relatively easy I feel.

The important thing for me' date=' is that when you shoot a weapon, the hoard attacks.


So this quote pretty much sums up how i feel about this game/patch or atleast how it should be. I started playin 1.7 and i was hooked as soon as i watched a youtube video. great concept and very open ended allowing the dev to do lots with it.

With that said, i cannot complete the train of thought that lead the dev to decide to further improve the challenge this game has to offer. Im pretty ignorant in this regard so can anyone update me as to how much of a demand their was to make this game harder, like spawning with jack shit and giving the zombies spidey like senes. Whenever a dev makes a change i always ask myself, why did he make that change? I cant understand in this case, were there really hoards of people asking for this kind of a change?

as it stands now this game is definitely a challenge, but for all you people screaming your typical forum meme "i have nothing else to contribute but empty letters" crap that we are all care bears.. there is a difference between a challenge and something that seems like its just their to be seemingly possible but realistically you just get frustrated as fuck because its ridiculously hard, to the point it is not FUN. Challenges make shit fun for sure, if they are surmountable and offer a reward.

Lotta good changes in this patch, but as it stands now, servers are hellaaaa buggy and this patch made me and 2 other friends stop playing because its just not fun aggroing zombies that are super far away, behind two different buildings.

WITH THAT SAID.. why the fuck can i not kill a zombie via a knife??? people talk about realism where the fuck are silent kills with my knife?

-The guy making this mod has stated that he means it to be an anti-game. Frustrating the player is the goal, there isn't supposed to be any balance.

-There are some bugs in the latest patch which is to be expected in an Alpha, the zeds were supposed to not be able to see thru walls, so that is not intentional. If you can't handle their extreme eyesight, wait for the hotfix before you login again.

-It's been said that melee isn't already in the game, so adding it isn't as simple as pushing a button. Maybe down the road it'll be added, but then there will be a debate about how zombies can take 9mm rounds to the chest and keep coming, yet a hunting knife is supposed to work? And not get you bitten in the process?

I highly doubt the intention of the game designer was to 'frustrate' the player. frustration can be a by-product of a games difficulty but it should not be centered around it. who likes to be frustrated? And if there isnt supposed to be any balance why did he take away a makarov and give a flash light instead? Those are sort of balance tweaks dont you think? I think a hunting knife to the head is just as if not more effective then a bullet in the head. And if everyone is so gung ho about honing their sneak skills to super sensei levels, sneaking up on a zombie and hunting knifin em to the face should be an attainable fantasy no?

i think peoples perception of zombies are all different, if you draw from movies they will all have different attributes and characteristics. In the end i suppose it is rocket's view of what a zombie should be, however he is making a game for people to play, not solely him. But if you look at a zombie logically.. i dont think they should have super fluid movements with rediculous flexibility and speed, because come on, they are/were dead and are decaying with parts of their body(inhibiting motor function and the use of certain senses) completely gone or damaged.

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The sneak awareness was good in 1.7 I thought.

Sneaking past infected is supposed to be relatively easy I feel.

The important thing for me' date=' is that when you shoot a weapon, the hoard attacks.


So this quote pretty much sums up how i feel about this game/patch or atleast how it should be. I started playin 1.7 and i was hooked as soon as i watched a youtube video. great concept and very open ended allowing the dev to do lots with it.

With that said, i cannot complete the train of thought that lead the dev to decide to further improve the challenge this game has to offer. Im pretty ignorant in this regard so can anyone update me as to how much of a demand their was to make this game harder, like spawning with jack shit and giving the zombies spidey like senes. Whenever a dev makes a change i always ask myself, why did he make that change? I cant understand in this case, were there really hoards of people asking for this kind of a change?

as it stands now this game is definitely a challenge, but for all you people screaming your typical forum meme "i have nothing else to contribute but empty letters" crap that we are all care bears.. there is a difference between a challenge and something that seems like its just their to be seemingly possible but realistically you just get frustrated as fuck because its ridiculously hard, to the point it is not FUN. Challenges make shit fun for sure, if they are surmountable and offer a reward.

Lotta good changes in this patch, but as it stands now, servers are hellaaaa buggy and this patch made me and 2 other friends stop playing because its just not fun aggroing zombies that are super far away, behind two different buildings.

WITH THAT SAID.. why the fuck can i not kill a zombie via a knife??? people talk about realism where the fuck are silent kills with my knife?

-The guy making this mod has stated that he means it to be an anti-game. Frustrating the player is the goal, there isn't supposed to be any balance.

-There are some bugs in the latest patch which is to be expected in an Alpha, the zeds were supposed to not be able to see thru walls, so that is not intentional. If you can't handle their extreme eyesight, wait for the hotfix before you login again.

-It's been said that melee isn't already in the game, so adding it isn't as simple as pushing a button. Maybe down the road it'll be added, but then there will be a debate about how zombies can take 9mm rounds to the chest and keep coming, yet a hunting knife is supposed to work? And not get you bitten in the process?

I highly doubt the intention of the game designer was to 'frustrate' the player. frustration can be a by-product of a games difficulty but it should not be centered around it. who likes to be frustrated? And if there isnt supposed to be any balance why did he take away a makarov and give a flash light instead? Those are sort of balance tweaks dont you think? I think a hunting knife to the head is just as if not more effective then a bullet in the head. And if everyone is so gung ho about honing their sneak skills to super sensei levels, sneaking up on a zombie and hunting knifin em to the face should be an attainable fantasy no?

i think peoples perception of zombies are all different, if you draw from movies they will all have different attributes and characteristics. In the end i suppose it is rocket's view of what a zombie should be, however he is making a game for people to play, not solely him. But if you look at a zombie logically.. i dont think they should have super fluid movements with rediculous flexibility and speed, because come on, they are/were dead and are decaying with parts of their body(inhibiting motor function and the use of certain senses) completely gone or damaged.

How many times has he said its an anti-game? As in, the point is to frustrate the player, over and over and over and over and over.

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Well, I think a lot of people will be frustrated with no chance of progress, and will leave. I'm not logging in and am back to Arma2:CO until its more enjoyable. If its never enjoyable, nothing lost, its a free game. But if he wants these servers to remain epic its going to take making the game ACCESSIBLE (not easy) to new players. I think also having goals, penalty for banditry, etc... but those are other issues. Accessibility is what keeps people playing. Arma2 is hard as hell in multiplayer (and SP) but you progress, its enjoyable, and playable. This game in its current state is playable only by those who already have gear and are far into the woods sniping players for their sodas

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How many times has he said its an anti-game? As in' date=' the point is to frustrate the player, over and over and over and over and over.


I'm sure that line will help him with his bosses now that DayZ is now officially his job.

Despite what he says, DayZ WILL have to be enjoyable somewhat, and the insane sight the zeds have now does more to harm the game than help it.

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I'm sure this will be addressed over time. I know that games which are too hard for the new player will drive new players away. But there HAS to be a balance, make it too easy and people play it casually. As an alpha test (most of the time people dont get in till beta, fyi) you have to realize we are lucky to have a stable client. I remember the star wars galaxies alpha test i was part of and it was a MESS. Even in Beta you'd not play more than 15 minutes before a server crash or critical bug.

I'm sure over time Rocket and his other coders will make this better. Sure, zombies have some super vision and some super weird behaviour... but for now, keep testing, providing useful feedback, and they will either fix the game or someone will develop another mod that we will bitch about for different reasons :)

I do think the zombies have too much sense right now, but if thats the game, thats the game, and we all have to either play it or... play something else

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so before his patch i was a stealth master now... i cant even fart with out Zs coming from miles around.

rocket you need to get your shit together and try your patches before pushing them' date=' this is partly why you had so many hackers you pushing players away from your games and making it so they do not have anything to lose by cheating. now that you spawn with no equipment with the stupid agro range even when prone its near impossible to get a gun, this was feasible pre Zchange but now not so much


WE are the testers. This is an ALPHA BUILD.

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so before his patch i was a stealth master now... i cant even fart with out Zs coming from miles around.

rocket you need to get your shit together and try your patches before pushing them' date=' this is partly why you had so many hackers you pushing players away from your games and making it so they do not have anything to lose by cheating. now that you spawn with no equipment with the stupid agro range even when prone its near impossible to get a gun, this was feasible pre Zchange but now not so much


i died recently and respawned without a gun. in 20 minutes i found an mp5 with ammo, m9 with ammo, watch, compass, knife, flashlight (military) czech pack, czech vest, assault pack, alice pack, beans, 4 blood packs, a cross bow, and a winchester. please. tell me how hard it is to find shit now.

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this is partly why you had so many hackers you pushing players away from your games and making it so they do not have anything to lose by cheating

No Sir, you are mistaken. Hackers hack because they are dumb little shitheads with no life, don't even try to rationalize it to anything about this game.

And secondly, this is an Alpha, your words are demonstrative of your ignorance. Please take a number sit down and shut the fuck up.

Thank you, NEXT PLEASE!

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