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ok so i started a server with HFB. I got the package plus so i would have database access so i could make changes. Ive figured out how to change loadouts and player items and whatnot. but vehicles are not so easy.

I'd like to make it so i can increase the number of vehicles on the server and if possible put them in certain locations and return to their original location after server restarts.

Im using navicat lite and ive looked online at videos and read about doing this stuff but i dont have sections like Pmain and Pspawn in my database? the only things i have in my database under my user side is : deployable, instance , instance_deployable, Instance_vehicle, log_code, log_entry and so on. i know how to edit them for the most parts put shouldnt i be able to control the over all spawn on the server too? im only getting 49 vehicles to spawn max?

sorry if coming off like a dumbass im just all kinds of confused. if someone would be willing to walk me through it i can join a teamspeak or i have ventrillo just send me a message on here

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You should be able to get 100+ without adding any custom spawn points. If it seems like you just can't get more than 49 you may need to change a setting in your host's control panel. If you have already done that you can try upping the limit amount in the Vehicle table. Also you can up the percentage rate for spawns. You will find both of those in the Vehicle table. Creating custom spawn points is a little more work. I would start here first. GL

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Thats the thing, on the host side i can set it to 5000000 if i wanted to it doesnt make a difference in how many vehicles spawn it seems to only spawn vhicles when it wants to, and in my vehicles on navicat how do i add more instances of vehicles on the server? im really needing someone to help me out with this asap , my steam name is colinlesser

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I am having the same problem, i just added you to my steam RandomHeroGaming, just wanted to hear if you found out what the problem was, and how to fix this?

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quick and dirty details on adding new vehicles via the database

Database Tables:

There are three tables involved with spawning vehicles:
  • Vehicle - this table contains a distinct list of all vehicle classnames that can be spawned along with values determining the min/max damage and fuel, and the limit to how many can be spawned in one world at a time. Additionally, this table specifies the Parts for the vehicle (things that can be broken/repaired) and the starting inventory
  • World_Vehicle - this table specifies a vehicle record (via vehicle.id) to be placed at the given location in the given world, and the Chance that it will be spawned
  • Instance_vehicle - actual vehicle in your game world, generated using the information from the previous two tables. usually created via the db_spawn_vehicles.pl script

Adding new vehicles:

To add a new vehicle spawn:
  • Does the vehicle classname you want exist in the vehicle table? If Yes, note the vehicle.id. if No, add it.
  • Get the worldspace value for Where you want the vehicle to spawn (I won't cover this, but the arma2 mission editor is a good way to get said values)
  • Add a world_vehicle record with the world.id, vehicle.id and worldspace values
  • generate vehicles (manually run db_spawn_vehicles.pl or click your host provided button)

You should now have a vehicle at your specified location. Repeat as needed.

Changing how many vehicles actually spawn:

Notice in world_space the Chance column? if you want all vehicles to always spawn, simply change that to 1. If you want your vehicles to spawn with more/less damage or fuel, change the vehicle table fuel and damage min/max values appropriately.

If you want to reset all vehicles back to their spawn points, just clear the instance_vehicle table and re-generate.

That's all you should need. Anything else, just ask.

Edited by dontera

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