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About dontera

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    On the Coast
  1. See my reply to this topic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/113636-help-me-navicat-problems/#entry1103332
  2. dontera


    I have had a dayz private plus server with HFB for several months now. Myself and my players have nothing but good things to say about its performance. Pings for east coast players are typically sub-40. The lag is non-existent and the server has never crashed on me.
  3. dontera

    HELP ME! NAVICAT problems

    quick and dirty details on adding new vehicles via the database Database Tables: There are three tables involved with spawning vehicles:Vehicle - this table contains a distinct list of all vehicle classnames that can be spawned along with values determining the min/max damage and fuel, and the limit to how many can be spawned in one world at a time. Additionally, this table specifies the Parts for the vehicle (things that can be broken/repaired) and the starting inventory World_Vehicle - this table specifies a vehicle record (via vehicle.id) to be placed at the given location in the given world, and the Chance that it will be spawned Instance_vehicle - actual vehicle in your game world, generated using the information from the previous two tables. usually created via the db_spawn_vehicles.pl script Adding new vehicles: To add a new vehicle spawn:Does the vehicle classname you want exist in the vehicle table? If Yes, note the vehicle.id. if No, add it. Get the worldspace value for Where you want the vehicle to spawn (I won't cover this, but the arma2 mission editor is a good way to get said values) Add a world_vehicle record with the world.id, vehicle.id and worldspace values generate vehicles (manually run db_spawn_vehicles.pl or click your host provided button) You should now have a vehicle at your specified location. Repeat as needed.Changing how many vehicles actually spawn: Notice in world_space the Chance column? if you want all vehicles to always spawn, simply change that to 1. If you want your vehicles to spawn with more/less damage or fuel, change the vehicle table fuel and damage min/max values appropriately. If you want to reset all vehicles back to their spawn points, just clear the instance_vehicle table and re-generate.That's all you should need. Anything else, just ask.
  4. Greetings, I've been renting a Vilayer managed dayz server for a few weeks now, love it. Looked in 'ACP > Game Services > Mods' screen today and there are now two options for all four maps; eg: Vilayer DayZ Lingor Private - DayZLingor Private Server Edition Vilayer DayZ Lingor Public - DayZLingor Public Server Edition But there seems to be no information on precisely what Public and Private means in this case. Logic suggests Public = current Vilayer hive, Private = single server hive. Can anyone confirm?