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LF bandit buddy :D

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Title says it all, im look for ONE other person to play with, and only one. I hate playing with big groups. Im 15, mature, funny, good at Day Z and gaming in General. Must have a good mic, skype, and be a bandit :3 Also pref 14+ post skype names below.

my skype name : thecrabmechanic

Edited by TehGrizzlyBear

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This guy is a backstabber... his skype name is "Grizz - LittleDude™" and ingame name is "Lazy"

I found a Ural in US264 and we were playing for a couple hours prior and we were gonna get some gear and everything... as soon as we meet up what happens?

He disconnects from the skype call, then shoots me driving it. He then claims he 'lost connection' and I thought it was a hacker or something. He drives to the factory in the Ural to meet up with my friend, then kills him, disconnects from the skype call again, then removes me from skype contacts, and drives the Ural away.

Don't trust this guy, he'll just use you to get your gear and stuff... what a real cockhead.



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