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[FI] Fallen Immortals [Open Recruitment]

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@ Morpe - Stop spamming your clan info all over the forums, I'm getting sick of removing it and other users hate it. Regarding this thread, read the rules - you can bump it once a day like everyone else, that's it.

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Experience:30 days

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: any


Why would you like to join: because its getting boring being alone all the time :)

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Age: 15

Experience: I've played since July, but stopped for a bit. Starting to get back in the game now.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Scout

Bio: I'm a laid-back person. I'll take any orders someone gives me. As long as I can shoot someone i'm cool.

Why would you like to join: I need a organized team, I need people that won't be idiots while finding stuff.

Edited by ChangoZero

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Experience:2 months of playing and awhile of videos

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: LMG and sniper, i can fly some

Bio: I am a gamer, i have been a gamer for all my life. i am from arkansas in usa

Why would you like to join: i want a good clan/group to join and its almost impossible to find one

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Age: 14, 15 in october

Experience: 4-6 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper

Bio: i used to play fps everyday when i was young, do now but on ps3

Why would you like to join: need a serious group to play with, i dont like playing with younger players, and ones that dont respect.

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Exp: 10 months (on and off)

Class: Jack Of All Trades (But Mostly Sniper and Pilot/Medic)

Bio: Been playing games since i was 3. Just who i am.

Why? Hummm Well getting tired of getting the firing squad gun salute, all alone that is. :)

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Experience:2 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: any


Why would you like to join: because its getting boring being alone all the time

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