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[FI] Fallen Immortals [Open Recruitment]

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Age: 17

Experience: Quite

Class: Scout...?

Bio: I play PC games.

Why?: I got nobody else to DayZ with :P

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Age: 17

Experience: Quite

Class: Scout...?

Bio: I play PC games.

Why?: I got nobody else to DayZ with :P

Could you please join the Teamspeak.

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Experience: I've played DayZ since patch #404 which was in early April. I've played Arma for even longer, 414 hours according to Steam.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... In arma, I normaly play as an assault or support roll. I am also highly experienced in piloting.

Bio: I play to win!

Why would you like to join: I have nobody to play dayz with, and it gets dull after a long time played alone.

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Experience: I've played DayZ since patch #404 which was in early April. I've played Arma for even longer, 414 hours according to Steam.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... In arma, I normaly play as an assault or support roll. I am also highly experienced in piloting.

Bio: I play to win!

Why would you like to join: I have nobody to play dayz with, and it gets dull after a long time played alone.

Please join the teamspeak.

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Experience:7months playing,did clan wars,bandit,raided lots of camps,mass murder

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... :Sniper/Flanker

Bio:love breaking people's legs.

Why would you like to join:because i want to raid camps and kill people

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Lol I see you guys are making a clan? Well, congratz guys, leading a clan is a large responsibility but its also a rewarding one. Hopefully we will see you in the server sometime and mebbe pew pew a wee bit.

"Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes." – Henry David Thoreau

Until Next time guys, o7

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Experience:I have played DayZ for 5 months now

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...: Sniper,Pilot

Bio: I am a Cool Cat

Why would you like to join: Because i have no one else to play with

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Experience: a couple months. I can fend for myself but can't fly helos or snipe

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: i like being sneaky but i want to be a Medic

Bio: on the U.S. east coast, and am a friendly

Why would you like to join: need people to play with

I only like carying one primary, and can help carry car parts and whatnot.

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Experience: Month or two.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...: I do what benifits the group. Im loyal and will do whatever is told or deemed fit for me to do.


My strong suits are fucking people up that try and fuck with the group(zombies included). Im great in combat and Im constantly on and extremely loyal.

Why would you like to join: DayZ is a fun game, but its even funner with strength and power and as a group you can achieve that.

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Age: 17

Experience: Played DayZ for around 8 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: I'm good with a sniper but also enjoy playing support LMG roles. I'm a decent pilot as well

Bio: I play a lot of PC games and like to have fun with teams. DayZ solo play is not for me

Why would you like to join: Solo play is ok but can get boring at times, I much prefer rolling with a larger team and taking out area's of players. Really good fun :)

Edited by Fulk188

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Experience: About a year, but over 15 years of FPS/Horror experience.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc: I play as recon/scout, I try to stick with a quiet melee weapon and a sidearm, unless I get an assault rifle with a decent amount of ammo. I don't like being caught having to switch back to my axe or crowbar.

Bio: I'm a long time gamer, I've been gaming since I was wee. My first systems were the Sega Genesis and NES. My first FPS's were Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Quake. I play all genre's but love RPGs and Shooters the most.

Why would you like to join: I need a good group that I can trust to work with for survival and whatever. I've been solo up until now, I've only ever grouped with a couple people before they eventually die. I'm getting lonely. Hahaha.

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Age: 19y/o from the UK

Experience: A lot of past experience, Ran my own squad for 5 months, lots of tactical gameplay, good piloting skills, experience with scout gameplay and assault. Purchased the game when i public alpha was first released, Little experience with any maps other than chern though.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... Any of these are fine for me, whatever the squad is in need of.


From the UK, Play lots of games as well as dayZ, WoW, sc2 and lots more really too many to list. Doing my degree in computer architecture, dont really know what else to say haha, just dont get offended easily.

Why would you like to join: Seem like a cool bunch of guys and i just need to get back into squad gameplay on dayZ again

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We are hoping we can expand, so we are looking for more players.

TEAMSPEAK: fallenimmortals.typefrag.com:8510

contact Royale,Troy,or AiViA on teamspeak if you applied!


-Be a minium age of 15

-Have a working microphone

-Have Teamspeak!

-Have atleast some experience

-Have fun!

-Be mature


Age: 17

Experience: Pretty Swell(2 or so weeks)

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, Driver.

Bio: Play as mush as I can. Sports kinda get in the way.

Why would you like to join: I need a group of teamates to help me kill some bandits. And for blood transfusions haha

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Experience:Played dayz for 3 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Assault

Bio: Im from florida, indian, and hardcore gamer

Why would you like to join: I need people to play with

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Hello every one who put a application up if you would please join the teamspeak and talk to me or any other person with authority the ip is astatine.typefrag.com:8510 -Morpe

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Age: 15 (not the deepest of voices but not irritating)

Experience: Played DayZ for around 1 month but have watch tons of videos so im not a noob :P

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: I'm good with a sniper but also enjoy playing as assualt (i can do, i would say any that are required)

Bio: I play a lot of PC games (Try and play alot) and like to have fun with teams to make the games more interesting. Playing DayZ solo gets boring after time..

Why would you like to join: Playing alone is good but can get boring at times, I much prefer being with a team to make the gaming experience better and more fun. :P

Edited by JackTyler

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Age: 17

Experience: I've been playing for about a week now.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, or just with a Rifle

Bio: I'm from Minnesota, i love playing this game, started by watching videos now i can't stop playing :)

Why would you like to join: I want to play with a group and have fun.

Edited by Trodaire

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Age: 25

Experience: play for 2 weeks but I know the basics.

Class: I dunnu yet still get used to the aim of this game.

Bio: my last fps game was cod2 I play it for 2 years but I'm playing dayz to rest from gw2.

Why I want to join: I think dayz is boring when played alone.

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Age: 18

Expereance: Some, Basic navigating, Pretty good at scouting

Class: Scout/Scavenger

Bio: Live in florida, go to work and screw around

Why: Looking for a group of poeple to help/get helped. Stranght in numbers, no one gets left behind.

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