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exploiter killing in the debug desert

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The daft thing is, if you were running the correct version of DayZ for the server and the latest beta for arma you would not have spawned in the desert in the first instance and he would not have been able to shoot you.

You spawned in the desert five times on the same server??? Thats persistance for ya lol.

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i didnt spawn 5 times in the same server. i was getting spawn there every time i got kill without even abort. and even so i know was a wrong version but he was still kill people there you realize he will do it again in a correct server....

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I ment no disrespect.

You have missed the point, he and you would not have been in the desert if you had the correct files.

You were already on a correct server that works just fine, but with the wrong files.

The Devs and server admins can only do so much to help protect people from hackers and noobs.

Players like you and me also have your part to play in this, our part is to have the correct files for the server we are joining.

The person who shot you was probably frustraited and pissed off for spawning in the desert and acted like an idiot, that I wont deny, but the only difference between the two of you is you had more patience than they did.

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