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Starting a new squad with active YouTube and Twitch

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Hey guys just a quick info for you all, im 16 and my mate is 17 we both go to college and love playing video games, we have started a YouTube channel and twitch and we want to get involved with more players.

A Little information on the squad, we play both bandit and friendly or sometimes a mix, we don't care how good you are as we can teach you if needed and you can pick up on are little tactics we tend to use however, we look forward to meeting new types of players and using each others skills to improve our own.

What i need to join?

there is not a big requirement you need to join but all we ask is that your voice is broken, and you have a good mic and you are not annoying.

Ok so i assume if your reading this you probably are interested so want to join? good,just fill out this app below:




Do you have a mic?:

what can you bring to the squad?:

we do have a TS server and will either or both PM/add you on skype with more information,



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Do you have a mic?:yes

what can you bring to the squad?:support,fun,help

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I will be getting a new laptop soon and be re-uploading the mod onto it, can I contact you then?

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Age: 16

Ign: Alexander

Skype?: Alex.Karino

Do you have a mic?: Yes

what can you bring to the squad?: I've been playing DayZ for about 2 months now and I've enjoyed it a lot. I've had some experience in professional squad play and have saved my squads life with some quick thinking multiple times. While I was with my other squad I had most of the defensive kills against other enemy squads.

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Do you have a mic?:Yeah

what can you bring to the squad?:I have some experience in Dayz, I can bring TeamWork, Friendliness as well as seriousness to the squad. I also have a YouTube channel on which I can post regular content, I am also online for a large amount of time each day, apart from times when working, and can put time and effort into things if needed.

Edited by mooey53

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Do you have a mic?:Yes

what can you bring to the squad?: New today but, not a noob tactically and I have played a couple hours of DayZ

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Age: 16

Ign: Grimlock

Skype?: JayLock

Do you have a mic?: Yeah

what can you bring to the squad?: Excellent sniper great tactical awareness and overall good navigator can make great loot plans ect...

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Age: 17

Ign: Boss

Skype?: James.Gliem

Do you have a mic?: Yes

what can you bring to the squad?: I know the map like the back of my hand, I do however prefer private hives.

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Age: 16

Ign: Thunder

Skype?: jan.villaruel1 <--- you already have me added :P

Do you have a mic?: Yes

what can you bring to the squad? I played Day for about 5 months, I'm a cheery guy and fun and help :)

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