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Do you like 1.7.1?

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died about 5 min after i installed and started playing 1.7.1 (bad luck)' date=' and spawned with no weapon or food. So there i was, all a fucking lone against the world with nothing but a flashlight, and it was a REALLY good gaming experience. Felt a sence of urgency and stress that comes with having no resources, and when i found food/water etc it gave me a bigger feeling of accomplishment knowing i started out with nothing.

Can't really speak for the other changes made, but that one was really great. Keep up the good work!


Agreed. In fact, I did like the no-gun thing. But not the zombies increased view...

IM looking forward for 1.7.1 lets plays' date=' hopefully by players that have not read the update log


So am I hahahahah

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NO, it's awful. It doesn't make any sense to mod it this way. Also, if you do this take away the PVP

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What a question...


please decrease zed range and hit damage and make those hoppers that slow they was before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's super easy to find a gun' date=' each spawn point is less than 5 minutes from gun spawn points.


find where you spawned, and head to the nearest gun loot area.


Yes, it is. But when you spawn you are a easy target to bandits... who leaves the house in the apocalypse without a gun? hahah =)

see, thats my point too. If you want realism, you make hard for zombies to get you, you would have a gun, food and water. It is one of the worst ideas I have seen. really don't think I am going to play till it's fixed.

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No because I'm stuck in a fukin glitch in the middle of nowhere and can't get off these stupid debug hills!!! :@

Google it' date=' I think there is a solution!


My fix was to run for ever back to the tree's took me an hour!

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I understand why they removed guns, but I think it's a bit too extreme.. They said it was to encourage teamwork, which is understandable.. Unless like me, you've never played the game before today and have no idea how to do anything, and now have no way of survival. That's just due to inexperience etc I know..

Other than that, if you don't see any other players it's ridiculous having to walk around competely unarmed and just hope you don't get spotted, which brings me onto my next point about how the zombies can seem to see so much better..

Between the combination of those 2, I think it could've been done better but what's done is done, everyone will get used to it eventually.

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I don't understand how most people are saying zeds see you from a mile away..iv managed to crawl past loads undetected :/ hell one even walked right past a window i was stood at and just blanked me where normally i would be running for the hills!

As for the no gun, this is much better!!! it makes sneaking into a town and getting a weapon and supplies that little bit more rewarding!

And like somone said above, it stops the idiots shooting you right away, this is no longer COD zombies :)

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It's fine how it is,


- Zombies running zig-zag

- Zombies spotting you while prone and your hiding behind a bush.. no way they could really see you IRL.

- Zombies being able to spot you from 12039021930912 miles away.

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It's fine how it is' date='


- Zombies running zig-zag

- Zombies spotting you while prone and your hiding behind a bush.. no way they could really see you IRL.

- Zombies being able to spot you from 12039021930912 miles away.


Totally agree. That's my opinion too.

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Having a hard time with the Zombies too, I'm crounch and near a wall they spot me miles away Oo.

The rest is fine for me, no weapons etc.

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Nope, it's already hard enough to avoid zombies, and without a gun, even worse, why not start us out with a knife or something so we at least can fight back.

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Absolutely not at all! The game was very fun before, unfortunately now i consider it completely unplayable... The spawn with no weapon is difficult enough, but adding to that the fact that the zombies aggro from like 50 feet even when your prone is ridiculous. next thing you know you have 10 z's chasing you and there is no way to escape, you cant hide from them because they are constantly on your tail doing their glitchy zombie ultra run. I hope they hurry and change this immediately because the game is unplayable! (Also mega lag now)

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as alot of others have said before me, i dont mind not spawning with a gun and food. it does add more realism and urgency in going to find food and gear. a melee attack would be nice but i have no idea how hard that would be to implement.

the most annoying part of this patch is the agro range. before you could move around fairly safely in crouch moving at slow speed and just diving into prone when they got really close.

now crouch at slow speed and crouch at faster speed both give 3 bars. so you are forced to prone pretty much everywhere and the flow of the game is ruined. if you want to walk on the road you have to prone even if zombies are quite a distance away.

i understand making it more real but its more annoying now and making the game less fun. the game/mod is getting alot of interest right now and is becoming more popular and this whole zombie agro range issue i can see putting alot of people off playing anymore.

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as alot of others have said before me' date=' i dont mind not spawning with a gun and food. it does add more realism and urgency in going to find food and gear. a melee attack would be nice but i have no idea how hard that would be to implement.

the most annoying part of this patch is the agro range. before you could move around fairly safely in crouch moving at slow speed and just diving into prone when they got really close.

now crouch at slow speed and crouch at faster speed both give 3 bars. so you are forced to prone pretty much everywhere and the flow of the game is ruined. if you want to walk on the road you have to prone even if zombies are quite a distance away.

i understand making it more real but its more annoying now and making the game less fun. the game/mod is getting alot of interest right now and is becoming more popular and this whole zombie agro range issue i can see putting alot of people off playing anymore.


Totally agree here. The only thing that bothers me is the aggro and their almost instant spawning.

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I love the new starting gear, and I actually like the zombie LoS, it feels more realistic. The two big problems I have are:

1) The big thing for me is zombie spawns. I did a quick experiment, I took the rather loud m14 to the edge of a barn area (About 200 meters away) and started picking zombies off. I watched as new zombies spawned right in front of my eyes, heard the gun shots, and came after me, it was like a constant tide of zombies. Eventually I swapped to my pistol to stop making so much noise.

You should be able to clear an area / town. I would say zombies cannot spawn within 100 meters of you, minimum. Plus give buildings a respawn timer, they can only spawn zombies every 5-20 minutes. Harder zed's are great, and a nice challenge, but at the moment it feels as though I'm being screwed over by unfair and cheap mechanics.

2) Zombies should be either AS fast as you, or slightly slower, so you can actually gain ground on them. The new zombie range / damage / LoS is fine, but it's completely pointless if you can't outrun them and loose them, as they are basically right on your ass the entire time - it makes the LoS mechanic completely moot as there is no way to put (Aside from going in a building) an obstacle between you and them. If you aggro from afar, they catch up in no time, you should be able to keep some distance between them.

I'd say definitely a step in the right direction, but lots more tweaking is required (As is expected in an alpha of course).

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Maybe its my character (I still havent died since the new patch) but Im not having problems with the zombies. Yes, there are more of them now, and they apear to spawn close to you while walking in your direction, but ive been playing safe and using way more stealth since I readed that now zombies have more awareness. Ive played about 4 hours without agroing any zombie so far, even throught Ive gone inside and outside cities and spawn points.

What I didnt like so far is that it looks like you get hungry and thirsty way more than before. Maybe its just my imagination but I used to barely eat and drink and now it looks like I need to do it every hour. The problem is that now its harder to sneak past zombies (and it looks like they keep respawning even if you kill them, so killing them ahead of time is pointless) and since you need to walk slower past them it increases the chance of being shot by another survivor.

I also think they made a very bad move making the game this hard because their game Arma 2 was selling like beans, specially due to all the free advertisiment they have been getting. Now you will have a lot of interested people that have bought the game and will probabily feel angry towards not only the mod but also towards Bohemia. I think it was a very bad marketing move which will probabily hinder sales and make Bohemia lose money and even future buyers.

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no. its disaster so far.

had 10 times more fun round about 12 hours ago, with higher fps, no shitty lag and freezes and no relog-teleports and whatnot glitches.

that being on the same server.

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IM looking forward for 1.7.1 lets plays' date=' hopefully by players that have not read the update log

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Haha, infi-zombies

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The new patch is a real shame. That's for sure. The Zombies are actually impossible to deal with, I have not succesfully scavenged an area yet with aggroing some glitchy zombie from 200 feet away which of course = insta-death since you cant outrun them. I completely regret buying arma just for this mod.

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The Zombies are to strong -.- ! PLEASE FIX THAT! this with the "No Weapon Spawn" is Perfect!

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The new zombies are a little out of control. It's absolutely immersion breaking when a zombie starts charging you when you're just sitting there doing nothing in a forest, there is no way most of its body is rotted and its eyes are significantly improved. Before it was difficult, you had to manage the zombies and use crawling and crouch walking to get around them, staying out of the line of vision but able to do what needed to be done. It was difficult because you had to expose yourself to get around Zeds, which would mean you risk being seen by other players.

For me, the #1 threat should always been the players and the zombies are there to fuck with that, lower your health and reveal your position to everyone else. Right now the zombies just make the game irritating and unappealing. It feels like the patch was released just for the sake of releasing a patch.

Also, one thing that would be amazing is to mouse wheel over someone and be able to choose an option titled "Trust", which would stop the heartbeat sound from happening when you mouse over them. Its pretty annoying after a while with a bandit in your squad.

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spawning without a gun's fine, i kinda like it in fact.

but the zombies are now impossible.

i think the zombie sight and agro distance was spot on in 1.7.0.

with 1.7.0 there were great little moments when you could be prone with a zombie wondering past less than 1m away - tension through the roof.

all gone now - they've got xray vision.

i'm fairly certain that being crouched in head high grass, or prone in tall grass would provide you with very decent cover.

also don't like the new zombie spawn. felt better when they hung around urban areas because hiking was a relief - when hiking have maybe one zombie spawn far away from you, as if it's just wondered off into the woods.

you should defo be able to clear a town.

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The new zombies are a little out of control. It's absolutely immersion breaking when a zombie starts charging you when you're just sitting there doing nothing in a forest' date=' there is no way most of its body is rotted and its eyes are significantly improved. Before it was difficult, you had to manage the zombies and use crawling and crouch walking to get around them, staying out of the line of vision but able to do what needed to be done. It was difficult because you had to expose yourself to get around Zeds, which would mean you risk being seen by other players.

For me, the #1 threat should always been the players and the zombies are there to fuck with that, lower your health and reveal your position to everyone else. Right now the zombies just make the game irritating and unappealing. It feels like the patch was released just for the sake of releasing a patch.

Also, one thing that would be amazing is to mouse wheel over someone and be able to choose an option titled "Trust", which would stop the heartbeat sound from happening when you mouse over them. Its pretty annoying after a while with a bandit in your squad.


mad bandit is mad that they have to fight zombies now

bandit tears are delicious

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I am definitely enjoying it less. I'm just finding it too difficult to collect gear as being detected by the zombies every time. Trying to be careful, but even getting spotted when crawling along the floor. I don't have loads of experience with the game, so my opinion may well be influenced by the simple fact that I am not good enough. It was hard before, but loved it even though died fairly often. But my enjoyment has undoubtedly decreased with this new patch.

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