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Global ban #f7ae36

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Last i played Dayz everything was fine. I get off for a few months, I then updated the arma 2 and dayz files, then installed dayz lingor. When i attepted to log in I had the global ban #f7ae36. Has anyone else had this problem? Iv tried finding info on it and havent found anything. If anyone knows a fix id appriciat it.


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Hello there

Read all the appropriate stickies and check the info at the BE site.

There's 2 main reasons for a GB.

1. you or someone using your PC scripted

2. you or someone using your PC downloaded a key stealer disguised as another program (a DAYZ optimiser for example)

If it's a non legit ban BE will overturn it. But those are rare.



Edited by orlok

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