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Chen (DayZ)

Game/PC Crashing

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Ok so I bought the game through Steam. I'm running ARMA 2: OA version 1.62.100296 (not beta). I launch through the Commander. It makes no diference how I launch the game though, because it's been doing this since before I had the Commander. I used to launch through Six Launcher, or Steam itself. This is something that has been happening since I bought ARMA 2: CO, around six months ago. I can play for hours, or for minutes but my game, PC, or video card will just crash. Often times artifacts appear as my screen freezes, and I have to hard restart my computer with a button. Alternatives like my screen turning black have ocurred. Sometimes I can alt-tab out of it but usually I can't. It's not a GPU/CPU heat issue, my drivers are up to date, and the average FPS is 60.


-Intel i5-2500k @ 3.30 GHz


-2 EVGA GeForce 560's in SLI

-1920x1080;60 screen

Operating System:

-Windows 8 Pro 64-bit

-Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

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You are not alone, but I cant give you any solution. I tried to find one but no luck.

I play five minutes or five hours, its absolutely random...

AMD Phenom II X4 970 4.1Ghz

Palit Geforce GTX 570 OC

8Gb ddr3 corsair 1866Mhz

Windows 7 64bit

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I have the exact same build, except Overclocked at 4.7GHz, and only one GTX 560 Ti. But even without Overclocking I've never had this issue.

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does this happen on all the beta patches

have you tried rolling back your drivers

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I've had a similar problem, Just randomly The whole PC locks up, sometimes it might not happen for a week, Sometimes I may have been playing 15 mins. Only in this game also.

My build

I7 2600k OC'd at 4.5ghz

ATi 6970

8xgb RAM

5760x1080 Resolution (Eyefinity)

But I've yet to find a solution been happening for maybe 2-3 months now. My GPU drivers ARE out of date, But anyone with ATi experience knows to stick with drivers they find work, instead of update willy nilly.

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I got stable game, when I roll back beta patch to 99515 from 100296.

Edited by Macev

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i have had some issues with my ati card with certain beta patches would cause bsod and restarts

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I still haven't found a solution to this problem, causing me to not even be able to play this game. I've spent hours searching Google and these forums for an answer. Hopefully someone will find a solid fix.

  On 12/23/2012 at 1:16 PM, AmberHelios said:

does this happen on all the beta patches

Yes. Like I said, i used to play this game over 6 months ago and crashing still occured

  On 12/23/2012 at 1:16 PM, AmberHelios said:

have you tried rolling back your drivers

I don't see why i should have to, seeing as this never happened to me in any other 3D game in the past...

  On 12/23/2012 at 10:08 PM, Macev said:

I got stable game, when I roll back beta patch to 99515 from 100296.

But then i wouldn't be able to play on my favorite server.

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Same here guys! Already posted on this thread http://dayzmod.com/f...domly-crashing/.

Here's my post:

"Tried to run the game in my work pc (wich is a 2nd generation core i3 with 4gb ram, onboard graphics) and it never crashed although it runs always under 30fps even in the minimum specs.

My pc specs:


Phenom II X4 965BE @ 3.7GHz

8GB 1600MHz DDR3 Corsair Vengeance

XFX Radeon HD5850 1GB

Windows 8 Enterprise 64-bit

I'll try running the processor at stock speed but the crash seems video related to me."

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